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Club Cricket

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Holywood CC

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Each Provincial Union has a listing of clubs in their region. Choose your region below to find nearby clubs.

Cricket Leinster

Cricket Leinster is responsible for cricket in the province of Leinster. There are currently over 40 clubs participating in open, womens and youth competitions, primary and secondary schools, as well as a network of social cricket outlets from indoor cricket to business houses leagues.

Connacht Cricket Union

The Connacht Cricket Union is the newest of the five provincial unions, having been established in 2010 it is the first union to be formed for over 60 years. There are six clubs registered to the union.

Munster Cricket

Munster Cricket is responsible for expanding participation in the game, creating structures and an infrastructure to support that expansion, and ensuring the long-term viability of the game in Munster. There are currently 13 clubs across the province.

North West Cricket Union

The North West Cricket Union covers counties Fermanagh and Londonderry and part of Tyrone in Northern Ireland and Donegal in the Republic of Ireland. There are 32 clubs within the Union's area of responsibility.

Northern Cricket Union

The Northern Cricket Union covers counties Antrim, Armagh and Down and part of Tyrone in Northern Ireland. The object of the NCU is to promote and improve cricket generally in the North of Ireland among men and women, and people of all abilities. 
