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Club Connects Autumn Series

Cricket Ireland delivers four workshops for clubs

The aim of Club Connects is to support the capability and capacity of volunteers in Cricket clubs so that they can provide the kind of positive experiences that will aid growth in ways that matter to clubs, the community and cricket as a whole.

The Club Connects autumn workshop series 2023 was a hugely successful series of four online workshops with clubs across all Provincial Unions attending.

Volunteer Engagement with Volunteer Ireland

The first workshop of the series was the key topic of Volunteer Engagement. As we know our cricket clubs would not exist without the time and commitment of volunteers. The face of volunteering has changed over the last three years and engaging and retaining volunteers has become more difficult.

At the workshop Volunteer Ireland provided some valuable advice for cricket clubs and reminded us of the all-important message of valuing and thanking our volunteers regularly.

Sports Inclusion and Disability Awareness workshop

For our second workshop we were delighted to partner with Active Disability Ireland who delivered the Sports Inclusion and Disability Awareness workshop.

For many clubs, this certified workshop has supported the development of inclusive cricket activities and how to increase awareness of people with disabilities taking part in cricket and opportunities in their clubs and community.

Live Streaming with NV Play

As part of our Club Connects Autumn 2023 workshop series, NV Play delivered an informative session on ‘Live Streaming fixtures’ for cricket clubs across Ireland. With clubs attending from all Provincial Unions, it is clear the interest in Live Streaming Club Fixtures is on the rise.

Club Case Studies – Youth, Women and Girls Development

Our final workshop of 2023 saw the introduction of Club Case Studies. As the growth of cricket continues across the country many clubs are focusing on various areas of development and improvement within their own club. Clubs may not have the opportunity to connect with other clubs or hear about the approaches to development taken by others. Club Connects Club Case Studies workshops provide clubs with the opportunity to present their story and connect with clubs from the same and different provincial unions.

Harry Lockhart, Northern Cricket Union Community Coach and Donacloney Mill CC Club member joined us to present on Youth Development. Harry shared his experience and tips on how to develop a Club-School link and delivering Smash It & It’s Wicket! Harry also shared his advice on getting parents involved in cricket as activators, managers, and volunteers.

For Women & Girls development Rachael Thomas of CSNI cricket club provided a valuable insight on the development of women and girls cricket in CSNI. Rachael covered the importance of understanding and defining what a successful women’s cricket club looks like to your club and the role mutual support and mutual investment plays in establishing and growing women and girls’ cricket in clubs.

Club Connects workshops will return in February 2024. For those looking to stay up to date with all things Club Connects, to share your clubs develop story or if there is an area of club cricket you are looking for support on, please let us know here.

Watch the webinar here:

key points
  • Four great workshops for clubs were delivered this autumn
  • Volunteerism, inclusion, disability awareness and livestreaming were topics covered
  • Club Case Studies were shared by a number of clubs

