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Team Name Runs
Brooklyn 291
Manor Field 284
Pittsburgh Field Club 281
Bensonhurst Rovers 274
Bensonhurst 268
Staten Island Cricket Club 253
Crescent Athletic Club 230
Brooklyn 230
Bensonhurst Second XI 228
Bensonhurst Field Club 222
Bensonhurst Rovers 216
Kings County 206
Bensonhurst Field Club 205
Bensonhurst 200
Brooklyn 199
Bensonhurst Field Club 197
Bensonhurst Rovers 195
Bensonhurst Field Club 189
Bensonhurst Field Club 186
Manor Field 186
Richmond County 185
Bensonhurst Second XI 183
Brooklyn 183
Bensonhurst 182
Brooklyn 182
Brooklyn 181
Brooklyn 180
Brooklyn 180
Brooklyn 179
Newark 179
Columbia Oval 178
Brooklyn 177
Bensonhurst Field Club 176
Brooklyn 174
Bensonhurst Field Club 174
Columbia Oval 173
Brooklyn 173
Bensonhurst Field Club 172
Manor Field 172
Bensonhurst 171
Brooklyn 170
Bensonhurst 169
Bensonhurst Field Club 169
Columbia Oval Rovers 169
Bensonhurst Rovers 168
General Electric Company of Schenectady 168
Columbia Oval 168
Bensonhurst 168
Richmond County 166
Columbia Oval Rovers 166
Bensonhurst Field Club 165
Brooklyn 165
Staten Island Cricket Club 164
Bensonhurst 164
Dr WE Dean's Toronto XI 163
Bensonhurst 163
Bensonhurst Second XI 160
Brooklyn 160
Manor Field 160
Richmond County 159
Bensonhurst Rovers 159
Brooklyn 159
Bensonhurst Field Club 158
Manor Field 157
Bensonhurst 157
Bensonhurst 156
Staten Island Cricket Club 154
Bensonhurst Field Club 154
Bensonhurst 151
Bensonhurst Second XI 150
Brooklyn 150
Bensonhurst 148
Columbia Oval Rovers 148
Bensonhurst Field Club 147
Bensonhurst Second XI 145
Bensonhurst Field Club 145
Newark 144
Bensonhurst 143
Bensonhurst 142
Bensonhurst 142
New York Veterans 140
Bensonhurst 140
Richmond County 140
Bensonhurst 139
Brooklyn 139
Kings County 138
New York Veterans 137
Brooklyn 137
Staten Island Cricket Club 137
Manor Field 136
Bensonhurst Rovers 136
Brooklyn 136
Manor Field 135
Bensonhurst 135
Staten Island Cricket Club 135
Bensonhurst Field Club 133
Manhattan 132
Kings County Second XI 130
Bensonhurst Field Club 130
Columbia Oval 128
Manhattan 128
Bensonhurst Field Club 127
Brooklyn 127
Crescent Athletic Club 127
Bensonhurst Field Club 126
Bensonhurst Field Club 126
Manhattan 125
Crescent Athletic Club 125
Bensonhurst 124
Manor Field 124
Bensonhurst Field Club 124
Manor Field 123
Brooklyn 121
Bensonhurst Field Club 120
Brooklyn 119
Bensonhurst Field Club 118
Brooklyn 118
Columbia Oval Rovers 118
Bensonhurst 118
Cameron 117
Bensonhurst Rovers 116
Staten Island Cricket Club 116
Columbia Oval Rovers 115
Staten Island Cricket Club 114
Columbia Oval 113
Bensonhurst Field Club 112
Bensonhurst Rovers 112
Bensonhurst Rovers 112
Bensonhurst Rovers 111
Bensonhurst Rovers 111
Brooklyn 111
Brooklyn 110
Longfellows 110
Columbia Oval Rovers 109
Brooklyn 109
Columbia Oval 108
Columbia Oval Rovers 107
Paterson 106
Columbia Oval 106
Bensonhurst 105
Manor Field 103
Brooklyn 103
Staten Island Cricket Club 101
General Electric Company of Schenectady 100
Columbia Oval Rovers 100
Manor Field 99
Staten Island Cricket Club 98
Brooklyn 98
Bensonhurst Thistle 97
Newark 97
Bensonhurst 96
Staten Island Cricket Club 96
Paterson 95
Columbia Oval 95
Prospect Park Second XI 94
Bensonhurst Field Club 94
Columbia Oval 94
Brooklyn 94
Brooklyn 94
Bensonhurst Second XI 93
Brooklyn 93
Bensonhurst 92
Manor Field 92
Brooklyn 92
Manor Field 90
Bensonhurst Rovers 89
Longfellows 89
Manhattan 88
Richmond County 88
Bensonhurst Field Club 88
Bensonhurst Rovers 88
New York Veterans 88
Bensonhurst Rovers 88
Columbia Oval 87
Bensonhurst 86
Manhattan Second XI 85
Bensonhurst Second XI 85
Manhattan 84
Brooklyn 84
Paterson 83
Columbia Oval 82
Kings County Second XI 81
Bensonhurst Rovers 81
Bensonhurst 81
Bensonhurst 81
Bensonhurst 81
Columbia Oval 80
Bensonhurst Field Club 80
Paterson Second XI 79
Bensonhurst Field Club 79
Bensonhurst 78
Bensonhurst 78
Bensonhurst Field Club 78
Kings County 77
Bensonhurst Rovers 77
Bensonhurst 77
Brooklyn 77
Columbia Oval 77
Brooklyn 76
Staten Island Cricket Club 76
Columbia Oval 76
Bensonhurst Field Club 75
Bensonhurst 75
Bensonhurst Rovers 74
Bensonhurst Field Club 73
Bensonhurst 73
Columbia Oval Rovers 73
Bensonhurst 72
Manhattan Second XI 72
Columbia Oval Rovers 72
Kings County Second XI 71
Bensonhurst Field Club 71
Crescent Athletic Club 71
Bensonhurst 70
Cameron 70
Manor Field 70
Bensonhurst 68
Staten Island Cricket Club 67
Columbia Oval 67
Prospect Park 66
Bensonhurst Field Club 66
Bensonhurst Rovers 66
Bensonhurst Field Club 66
Bensonhurst 65
Newark 65
Kings County 65
General Electric Company of Schenectady 64
Van Cortlandt 63
Brooklyn 63
Bensonhurst Thistle Second XI 62
Union 62
Bensonhurst Rovers 62
Columbia Oval 62
Brooklyn 61
Manhattan 59
Columbia Oval Rovers 59
Bensonhurst Rovers 59
Paterson Second XI 58
Bensonhurst Field Club 57
Bensonhurst 56
Kings County 56
Bensonhurst Rovers 56
Bensonhurst Rovers 56
Crescent Athletic Club 55
Brooklyn 55
Paterson Second XI 55
Manhattan 54
Bensonhurst Rovers 54
Columbia Oval Rovers 54
Brooklyn 54
Paterson 54
Bensonhurst Rovers 52
Cameron 52
Bensonhurst Rovers 51
Bensonhurst Field Club 51
Columbia Oval 51
Bensonhurst 50
Bensonhurst 49
Easthampton 48
Manor Field 48
Brooklyn 47
Columbia Oval 46
Bensonhurst 45
Kings County 45
Brooklyn Second XI 43
Manor Field 41
Bensonhurst Rovers 38
Bensonhurst 38
Springfield 37
Brooklyn 37
Bensonhurst 36
Staten Island Cricket Club 25
Kings County 23
