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Player Name Runs
JL Jonassen 67
RR Hollindale 55
S Townsend 52
S Townsend 52
E Johnston 50
HV Pattison 42
AJ Lanning 39
MR Strano 29
SJ Lowe 28
M Schutt 24
Z Richards 22
JL Barsby 21
S Taylor 20
S Taylor 19
I Sieber 19
D Cox 18
GE Taylor 18
P Mathewson 18
B Schembri 17
AJ Lanning 17
B Schembri 17
F Wunsch 16
RR Hollindale 16
CL Piparo 15
JL Jonassen 14
D Cox 13
GE Taylor 13
L Croft 13
M Smith 12
B Wimbush 12
L Mainwaring 11
P Taylor 11
BM Devchand 10
A Homes 9
TL Clapton 9
S Vitali 8
HV Pattison 8
JL McCormick 8
T Seymour 8
L Marino 8
KE McCarthy 8
A Homes 8
ME Phillips 8
J Blacklow 7
T Brotherston 7
E Hessell 7
K Rackemann 7
B Mayne 7
TL Clapton 7
BE Patterson 7
KM Lamb 6
JK O'Reilly 6
CL Piparo 6
E Hessell 5
T Wallace 5
KJ Hartshorn 5
R White 5
MR Strano 5
BA Perry 5
R Morris 4
R Beath 4
EE Giles 4
S Vitali 4
L Bramley 4
R Beath 4
SJ Lowe 4
B Wimbush 4
BL Mooney 3
VR Bach 3
E Johnston 3
KE McCarthy 3
BA Perry 3
A Homes 3
BL Mooney 3
BM Devchand 2
TCJ Peschel 2
K Rackemann 2
P Crowe 2
B Schembri 2
L Croft 2
JL McCormick 2
M Blazely 2
GM Harris 1
K Minty 1
B Mayne 1
R Morris 1
E Humphries 1
JK O'Reilly 1
J Rattenbury 1
BA Perry 1
L Mainwaring 1
C Goss 1
M Montgomerie 1
N Nangrani 1
Z Thomson 1
T Brotherston 1
BE Patterson 0
TM McGrath 0
M Schutt 0
N Dahanayake 0
Z Richards 0
T Wallace 0
S Leis 0
JK O'Reilly 0
A Gittings 0
Z Thomson 0
VR Bach 0
L Marino 0
A Collins 0
A Bennett 0
GM Harris 0
BG Rigby 0
J Lawson 0
J Lawson 0
S Hocking 0
C Emonson 0
JL Barsby 0
M Schutt 0
TM McGrath 0
R White 0
T Fox 0
A Gittings 0
R Withoos 0
F Wunsch 0
GM O'Sullivan 0
EE Giles 0
SJ Lowe 0
JL McCormick 0
VR Bach 0
BE Patterson 0
S Hocking 0
GM O'Sullivan 0
D Cox 0
T Seymour 0
H Short 0
N Dahanayake 0
H Eyles 0
KM Lamb 0
S Leis 0
A Bennett 0
BG Rigby 0
P Mathewson 0
I Sieber 0
A Collins 0
