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Team Name Runs
Gomersal Second XI 384
Gomersal Second XI 374
Pudsey St Lawrence 342
Pudsey Congs 339
Woodlands 337
Gomersal 335
Gomersal 320
Woodlands 319
Saltaire Second XI 308
Bradford and Bingley 303
Woodlands 302
East Bierley 301
East Bierley Second XI 301
Bowling Old Lane 297
Gomersal 293
Bankfoot 292
Gomersal 292
Pudsey St Lawrence Second XI 290
Gomersal 289
Delph and Dobcross 286
Spen Victoria 284
Gomersal 283
Gomersal 283
Gomersal 283
Brighouse 282
Hanging Heaton 281
Hanging Heaton 279
Gomersal 273
Gomersal Second XI 272
Yeadon Second XI 270
Lightcliffe Second XI 266
Cleckheaton 264
Gomersal 264
Morley Second XI 262
Gomersal Second XI 261
Bowling Old Lane 261
Gomersal 259
Manningham Mills Second XI 259
Pudsey Congs 257
Gomersal 256
Gomersal 256
East Bierley 256
Gomersal 255
Gomersal 255
Saltaire 252
Gomersal Second XI 249
Hartshead Moor 249
Gomersal Second XI 248
Windhill 246
Windhill Second XI 244
Yeadon 243
Pudsey St Lawrence 242
Gomersal 241
Cleckheaton 241
Gomersal 241
Gomersal 240
Gomersal Second XI 239
Gomersal 236
Keighley 235
Gomersal 234
Undercliffe Second XI 233
Undercliffe 232
Woodlands 232
Baildon 232
Gomersal 231
Gomersal 229
Gomersal 229
Gomersal 228
Spen Victoria 228
Spen Victoria 227
Gomersal 226
Hartshead Moor Second XI 226
Scholes 226
Undercliffe Second XI 225
Idle 225
Farsley Second XI 222
Keighley 222
Farsley 220
Gomersal 220
Idle 219
Great Horton 218
Woodlands Second XI 216
East Bierley 215
Gomersal 215
Gomersal 215
Undercliffe 215
Gomersal 215
Cleckheaton Second XI 212
Gomersal 211
Gomersal 211
Brighouse 211
Yeadon 209
Keighley 208
Gomersal 207
Morley Second XI 207
Gomersal Second XI 207
Gomersal Second XI 206
Gomersal 202
Bradford and Bingley 201
Gomersal Second XI 201
Gomersal 199
Gomersal 197
Spen Victoria Second XI 197
Gomersal Second XI 197
Gomersal 196
Pudsey St Lawrence Second XI 196
Gomersal 195
Gomersal 195
Gomersal 194
Gomersal Second XI 194
Gomersal 193
Gomersal 191
Spen Victoria 191
Yeadon 190
Gomersal 189
Gomersal Second XI 189
Baildon 188
Pudsey St Lawrence Second XI 187
Gomersal 187
Gomersal 187
Saltaire Second XI 186
Baildon 185
New Farnley Second XI 184
Hanging Heaton 184
Gomersal 183
Morley 181
Spen Victoria 181
Gomersal Second XI 181
Saltaire Second XI 181
Gomersal Second XI 180
Bankfoot Second XI 178
Gomersal 175
Keighley 175
Gomersal 173
Idle Second XI 173
Yorkshire Cricket Association 172
Gomersal 172
Gomersal 170
Bankfoot Second XI 167
Keighley Second XI 166
Windhill Second XI 166
Gomersal 164
Gomersal Second XI 163
Great Horton 162
Baildon Second XI 162
Gomersal 162
Gomersal 159
Idle 159
Pudsey Congs Second XI 156
Gomersal 156
Yeadon 155
East Bierley Second XI 153
Pudsey St Lawrence 152
Gomersal 152
Gomersal 152
Baildon 151
Farsley 151
Gomersal Second XI 148
Farsley 147
Gomersal Second XI 144
Manningham Mills Second XI 143
Gomersal Second XI 143
Bankfoot 142
Gomersal 141
Bankfoot Second XI 139
Bowling Old Lane 139
Morley 139
Gomersal Second XI 137
Gomersal 136
Pudsey Congs 129
Gomersal 127
Gomersal 127
Spen Victoria Second XI 121
Bankfoot 121
Gomersal 118
Gomersal 117
Gomersal 117
Brighouse Second XI 116
Cleckheaton Second XI 115
Bowling Old Lane Second XI 115
Gomersal 114
Gomersal Second XI 112
Gomersal 111
Brighouse Second XI 107
Gomersal 106
Gomersal 106
Gomersal Second XI 104
Gomersal Second XI 103
Great Horton Second XI 103
Idle Second XI 102
Cleckheaton Second XI 102
Manningham Mills 101
Gomersal 100
Gomersal 98
Skelmanthorpe Second XI 98
Gomersal 98
Delph and Dobcross 96
Gomersal 94
Gomersal 94
Gomersal Second XI 93
Baildon 90
Gomersal Second XI 87
Windhill 78
Gomersal 71
Bowling Old Lane 69
Gomersal Second XI 68
United England Eleven 66
Keighley 65
Idle Second XI 64
Hartshead Moor 59
United England Eleven 54
