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cricket ireland logo





Team Name Runs
Manhattan Second XI 350
Brooklyn 331
Richmond County 307
Manor Field 297
Columbia Oval 262
Manhattan 252
Manhattan 246
Manhattan 242
Brooklyn Second XI 241
Manhattan 228
Bensonhurst 228
Manhattan 227
Brooklyn 224
Brooklyn Second XI 224
Columbia Oval 219
Brooklyn 217
Manhattan 213
Manhattan 212
Bound Brook 211
Manhattan 210
New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League 209
Brooklyn 208
Manhattan 206
Manhattan 206
New York Cricket Club 205
Brooklyn 205
Bensonhurst 202
Brooklyn 202
Manhattan 200
Staten Island Cricket Club Second XI 197
Brooklyn 196
Belmont 195
Brooklyn 195
Manhattan 193
Brooklyn 193
Manhattan 191
Manhattan Second XI 190
Knickerbocker Athletic Club 189
Single of New York and New Jersey Cricket Association 189
Manhattan 188
Brooklyn 187
Canada 186
Manhattan 186
Staten Island Cricket Club 185
Girard 184
Manhattan 184
Manhattan 184
Manhattan 183
Brooklyn Second XI 182
Manhattan 181
Boston Zingari 180
Brooklyn 179
Knickerbocker Athletic Club 178
Manhattan 177
Brooklyn 177
Kings County 177
Brooklyn 177
Manhattan 177
West Indian 176
Brooklyn 176
Brooklyn 175
Bensonhurst 175
New Jersey Athletic Club Second XI 174
Bensonhurst 174
Livingston Field Club 173
Kings County Second XI 173
Manhattan 172
Manhattan 172
Manhattan 172
Brooklyn 172
Brooklyn 172
Paterson 172
Manhattan 171
Kings County 171
Manhattan 170
Manhattan 170
Manhattan 170
Brooklyn 168
Manhattan 167
Staten Island Cricket Club 167
Manhattan 166
New Jersey Athletic Club Second XI 166
Manhattan Second XI 166
Manhattan 166
Bensonhurst 166
Brooklyn Second XI 165
Manhattan 165
Brooklyn 165
Longfellows 165
Manhattan 164
New York Veterans 164
Manhattan 164
Brooklyn 163
Brooklyn Second XI 163
Manhattan 162
Paterson 162
Bensonhurst 162
Manhattan 161
Manhattan 161
Kings County 160
Brooklyn 160
Columbia Oval 160
Manhattan 159
Belmont 159
New Jersey Athletic Club Second XI 159
Kings County 159
West Indian 159
Brooklyn 159
Kings County 159
Brooklyn 159
Manhattan 158
Cosmopolitan Club of New York 158
Brooklyn B 158
Brooklyn Second XI 158
Kings County 158
Manhattan 157
Manhattan Second XI 157
Manhattan 157
Newark 157
Brooklyn Second XI 157
Prospect Park 157
Brooklyn 157
Manhattan 156
Bensonhurst 156
Red Caps 156
Manhattan 156
Berkeley Athletic Club 155
West Indian 155
St George's Club of New York 154
New Jersey Athletic Club Second XI 154
Essex County 154
West Indian 154
Brooklyn Second XI 154
Brooklyn 154
Colonials 154
Manhattan 153
Manhattan 153
Brooklyn 153
Manhattan 153
Brooklyn 153
Manhattan 153
Brooklyn 153
Manhattan 152
Knickerbocker Athletic Club B 152
Manhattan 152
Manhattan 152
Brooklyn 152
Manhattan 151
Staten Island Cricket Club 151
Montclair Athletic Club 151
Livingston Field Club 151
West Indian 151
Manhattan Second XI 151
Brooklyn 151
Staten Island Cricket Club 150
Brooklyn 150
West India Club A 150
New York and New Jersey Cricket Association 150
Brooklyn 150
Manhattan Second XI 149
Manhattan 149
Kings County Second XI 149
Manhattan 148
Brooklyn Nomads 148
Brooklyn 148
Kings County Second XI 148
Manhattan 148
Manhattan 147
Manhattan 147
Manhattan 147
Knickerbocker Athletic Club 147
Jamaica 147
Brooklyn Second XI 147
Brooklyn Second XI 147
Manhattan 147
Manhattan Second XI 146
Kings County St George Second XI 146
Bensonhurst Second XI 146
Manhattan 146
Manhattan 146
All New York 145
New Jersey Athletic Club 145
Manhattan 145
Livingston Field Club 145
Manhattan Second XI 145
Brooklyn 145
Cameron 145
Brooklyn 145
Brooklyn 145
Kings County 144
Kings County 143
Brooklyn 143
Kings County St George 143
Manhattan Second XI 143
Manhattan 143
Brooklyn A 143
Brooklyn 143
Kings County 143
Brooklyn 143
Cameron 143
Manhattan Second XI 142
Albion Club of Brooklyn 142
Brooklyn Second XI 142
Brooklyn Second XI 142
Brooklyn B 142
Manhattan 142
Underhill 141
Brooklyn 141
Staten Island Cricket Club 141
Manhattan 141
Brooklyn 141
Brooklyn 141
Manhattan 140
Manhattan 140
Brooklyn Wanderers 140
Jamaica 140
Brooklyn 140
Manhattan 140
Windsor 140
Kings County 140
Belmont 139
Manhattan Second XI 139
Nelson Lodge 139
Nelson Lodge 139
Manhattan 139
Manhattan 139
Manhattan 138
Staten Island Cricket Club 138
Kings County 138
Manhattan 138
Manhattan 138
Manhattan 138
Manhattan Second XI 138
Brooklyn 138
Manhattan 138
Manhattan 137
Manhattan 137
Paterson 137
Columbia Oval 137
West Indian 137
Brooklyn 137
Kings County 137
Kings County 137
Brooklyn 137
Manhattan 137
Manhattan Second XI 136
Cosmopolitan Club of New York 136
Harlem 136
Brooklyn 136
Brooklyn 136
Brooklyn Second XI 136
Paterson 136
West Indian 136
Manhattan 136
Boston Wanderers 136
Girard 135
Manhattan 135
Brooklyn 135
New Jersey Athletic Club 135
Manhattan 135
Kings County 135
Brooklyn Nomads 135
Staten Island Cricket Club 135
Brooklyn 135
Manhattan 135
Manhattan 135
Cameron 135
Kings County St George 134
Belmont 134
Brooklyn A 134
Paterson 134
Cameron 134
Cameron 134
Manhattan 133
Manhattan 133
Brooklyn 133
All New Jersey 133
New Jersey Clubs 133
Brooklyn 133
Brooklyn 133
Paterson 133
New Jersey Athletic Club 132
New Jersey Athletic Club 132
West Indian 132
Manhattan 132
New York and Metropolitan District Cricket League 131
Manhattan 131
Thespian 130
New Jersey Athletic Club 130
Manhattan 130
Chadwick 130
Brooklyn 130
Longfellows 130
English of New York 129
Manhattan 129
Philadelphia Veterans 129
Prospect Park 129
Kings County 129
Manor Field 129
Brooklyn 129
Brooklyn 129
Manhattan 128
Kings County St George 128
Brooklyn 128
Paterson A 128
Brooklyn B 128
Staten Island Cricket Club 128
Brooklyn 128
Brooklyn 128
Manhattan 128
Cameron 128
Manhattan 127
Kings County 127
Brooklyn 127
Manhattan Third XI 127
Brooklyn 127
Brooklyn 127
New York Cricket Club 127
New York Cricket Club 127
Brooklyn B 127
Brooklyn A 127
Brooklyn 127
Brooklyn Wanderers 127
Brooklyn 127
Brooklyn 127
Manhattan 126
Western Association 126
Manhattan Second XI 126
Manhattan 126
Manhattan 126
Cosmopolitan Club of New York 126
New Jersey Athletic Club 126
Manhattan Second XI 126
TJ O'Reilly's XI 126
Knickerbocker Athletic Club B 126
New York Cricket Association 126
West Indian 126
Brooklyn A 126
Brooklyn 126
Kings County 126
Kings County 126
Girard Second XI 125
Manhattan 125
Manhattan 125
Manhattan 125
Staten Island Cricket Club Second XI 125
Brooklyn 125
Livingston Field Club 125
Livingston Field Club 125
Kings County 125
Prospect Park 125
Kings County Second XI 125
Brooklyn 125
Brooklyn 125
Brooklyn 125
Manhattan 125
Kings County 124
Kings County St George Second XI 124
Paterson A 124
Kings County 124
Manhattan 124
Manhattan 123
Manhattan 123
Kings County St George 123
Manhattan Second XI 123
Brooklyn 122
Manhattan 122
Manhattan Second XI 122
Brooklyn 122
Kings County 122
Manhattan 122
Manhattan 121
Brooklyn Second XI 121
Manhattan 121
Manhattan 121
Brooklyn 121
Manhattan 121
Prospect Park 121
Brooklyn 121
Kings County 121
Brooklyn 121
Brooklyn 121
Longfellows 121
Longfellows 121
Manhattan 120
Boston Wanderers 120
Brooklyn 120
Kearny 120
Kings County Second XI 120
Prospect Park 120
Kings County 120
Manhattan 119
Paterson 119
Paterson Second XI 119
Staten Island Cricket Club 119
Brooklyn 119
Kings County 119
Brooklyn Second XI 119
Brooklyn 119
Kings County 119
Bensonhurst 119
Manhattan 118
Brooklyn Second XI 118
Nelson Lodge 118
Brooklyn 118
West Indian 118
Bensonhurst 118
Kings County 117
Brooklyn 117
All Brooklyn 117
New Jersey Athletic Club 117
Kings County 117
Columbia Oval 117
Bensonhurst Thistle 117
Kings County 117
Kings County A 117
Paterson 117
Manhattan 117
Brooklyn 117
Morris Park Second XI 116
Brooklyn Second XI 116
Harlem 116
Kings County St George Second XI 116
Columbia Oval 116
Staten Island Cricket Club 116
Manhattan 115
Brooklyn 115
Brooklyn Second XI 115
Brooklyn 115
Brooklyn 115
Manhattan Second XI 115
Essex County 115
Livingston Field Club 115
Kings County 115
Kings County 115
Bridgeport 115
New Jersey Athletic Club Second XI 114
Brooklyn 114
Montclair Athletic Club 114
Brooklyn 114
Longfellows 114
Victoria 113
Paterson A 113
Manhattan Second XI 113
Manhattan Second XI 113
Prospect Park 113
Brooklyn 113
Manhattan 113
Cameron 113
Manhattan Second XI 112
ONT Athletic Club of Newark 112
New Jersey Athletic Club Second XI 112
New York Cricket Club 112
Manhattan Second XI 112
Manhattan Second XI 112
Kings County 112
Colonials 112
Brooklyn 111
New York East Second XI 111
Brockton Second XI 111
New Jersey Athletic Club Second XI 111
Manhattan Second XI 111
Brooklyn B 111
Chadwick 111
Brooklyn Second XI 111
Brooklyn 111
Brooklyn Wanderers 111
Kings County St George 110
Brooklyn Second XI 110
Brooklyn 110
Brooklyn Nomads 110
St George's Athletic Club 110
Kings County 110
Manhattan 110
Kings County 110
Manhattan 109
Staten Island Cricket Club Second XI 109
Brooklyn 109
Manhattan 109
Kings County St George 109
Philadelphia Veterans 109
Manhattan 109
Kings County 109
Manhattan 109
Manhattan 109
Kings County St George Second XI 108
Brooklyn 108
Manhattan Second XI 108
Kings County St George 108
Kings County 108
Brooklyn 108
Bensonhurst Second XI 108
Brooklyn 108
Manhattan 107
Manhattan 107
Manhattan 107
New York Cricket Club 107
Brooklyn 107
Newark 107
Brooklyn 107
