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Team Name Runs
Guisborough 282
Whitby 280
Guisborough 272
Guisborough 272
Guisborough Second XI 263
Guisborough 251
Guisborough 251
Guisborough 249
Guisborough 249
Guisborough 248
Guisborough 248
Guisborough 246
Guisborough Second XI 246
Guisborough 244
Richmondshire Second XI 240
Guisborough 236
Guisborough Second XI 236
Guisborough Second XI 236
Guisborough 236
Guisborough 236
Guisborough Second XI 235
Middlesbrough 233
Middlesbrough 233
Guisborough 232
Guisborough 231
Bishop Auckland 231
Great Ayton Second XI 230
Guisborough 229
Seaton Carew 229
Seaton Carew 229
Richmondshire 228
Guisborough Second XI 227
Lancashire Over-60s 226
Richmondshire 225
Richmondshire 225
Thornaby 225
Guisborough Second XI 224
Guisborough 223
Guisborough 221
Guisborough 221
Great Ayton 221
Guisborough 221
Guisborough 221
Guisborough Second XI 221
Middlesbrough 220
Middlesbrough 220
Middlesbrough 219
Guisborough 218
Marske 217
Marske 217
Guisborough 215
Blackhall 215
Guisborough 215
Guisborough 215
Redcar 214
Redcar 214
Northallerton 211
Guisborough Second XI 210
Norton 210
Norton 210
Seaton Carew 209
Guisborough 208
Guisborough 208
Guisborough 207
Bishop Auckland 207
Middlesbrough 207
Middlesbrough 207
Norton 206
Newton Aycliffe 206
Guisborough 204
Guisborough 204
Richmondshire Second XI 203
Richmondshire 202
Guisborough 202
Guisborough 202
Guisborough Second XI 202
Guisborough 202
Guisborough 202
Guisborough 202
Guisborough 202
Guisborough 201
Guisborough Second XI 200
Stokesley 200
Stokesley 200
Guisborough 199
Guisborough 199
Guisborough 199
Great Ayton 199
Great Ayton 199
Billingham Synthonia 198
Darlington 196
Guisborough 196
Darlington 195
Whitby 194
Bishop Auckland 193
Northallerton 193
Normanby Hall Second XI 192
Guisborough 192
Guisborough 192
Guisborough 191
Marton 191
Marton 191
Guisborough 190
Saltburn 190
Saltburn 190
Guisborough 189
Redcar 189
Guisborough 188
Guisborough 188
Guisborough 188
Guisborough 187
Northallerton 187
Guisborough 186
Marton 185
Guisborough 184
Guisborough 184
Bishop Auckland 184
Barnard Castle 184
Barnard Castle 184
Marton Second XI 183
Marylebone Cricket Club 183
Guisborough 182
Marton 182
Guisborough 182
Guisborough 182
Guisborough 181
Darlington Railway Athletic 181
Guisborough Second XI 181
Middlesbrough 181
Middlesbrough 181
Saltburn 180
Guisborough 180
Guisborough 180
Stokesley 179
Darlington 179
Guisborough 179
Guisborough 179
Hartlepool 179
Hartlepool 179
Redcar 179
Redcar 179
Seaton Carew 179
Seaton Carew 179
Guisborough 176
Guisborough 176
Guisborough 176
Guisborough 175
Guisborough 175
Middlesbrough 175
Guisborough Second XI 175
Guisborough Second XI 175
Great Ayton 174
Great Ayton 174
Normanby Hall 174
Guisborough 173
Guisborough 173
Guisborough 172
Guisborough 172
Guisborough 172
Whitby 172
Marton 171
Guisborough 171
Guisborough 171
Marske 170
Great Ayton 170
Guisborough 170
Normanby Hall 170
Normanby Hall 170
Barnt Green 169
Stokesley 169
Guisborough 169
Marton 169
Guisborough 168
Guisborough 168
Great Ayton 168
Great Ayton 168
Guisborough 167
Stokesley 167
Stokesley 167
Richmondshire 166
Guisborough 166
Redcar 165
Guisborough 165
Guisborough 165
Blackhall 164
Saltburn 164
Saltburn 164
Guisborough 164
Guisborough 164
Guisborough 163
Guisborough 163
Marton 163
Marton 163
Billingham Synthonia 162
York 162
Guisborough Second XI 162
Guisborough 161
Richmondshire 161
Blackhall 161
Guisborough 161
Barnard Castle 161
Guisborough 161
Guisborough 161
Guisborough Second XI 161
Guisborough Second XI 161
Guisborough 160
Guisborough 160
Guisborough 160
Guisborough Second XI 160
Hartlepool 159
Billingham Synthonia 159
Guisborough 159
Guisborough 159
Normanby Hall 158
Guisborough 158
Guisborough 158
Maltby 158
Guisborough 158
Guisborough 158
Northallerton 157
Richmondshire 157
Cleveland and Teesside League 156
Great Ayton 156
Normanby Hall 156
Bishop Auckland 156
Guisborough 156
Guisborough 156
Guisborough 156
Guisborough 156
Guisborough 156
Billingham Synthonia 155
Guisborough 155
Guisborough 155
Guisborough 155
Marton Second XI 155
Guisborough 154
Guisborough 154
Guisborough Second XI 154
Middlesbrough Second XI 154
Guisborough Second XI 154
Darlington 153
Great Ayton 153
Darlington 153
Darlington 153
Marske 153
Marske 153
Guisborough Second XI 152
Guisborough Second XI 151
Guisborough Second XI 150
Marton Second XI 150
Guisborough 149
Sheffield Collegiate 148
Guisborough 148
Guisborough Second XI 148
Guisborough Second XI 148
Durham Over-60s 148
Richmondshire 148
Richmondshire 148
North Yorkshire and South Durham Cricket League 147
Richmondshire 147
Northallerton 147
Billingham Synthonia 147
Hartlepool 146
Guisborough 146
Guisborough 145
Guisborough 144
Guisborough 144
Guisborough 144
Guisborough 144
Guisborough 143
Darlington Second XI 143
Bishop Auckland 142
Darlington Railway Athletic 142
Sedgefield 142
Guisborough 141
Guisborough 141
Middlesbrough 140
Northallerton 140
Guisborough 140
Guisborough 140
Guisborough 139
Guisborough 138
Guisborough 138
Bishop Auckland 137
Yarm 137
Guisborough 136
Normanby Hall 135
Whitby Second XI 135
Guisborough Second XI 134
Billingham Synthonia 134
Northallerton 134
Sedgefield 134
Sedgefield 134
Northallerton 133
Redcar 132
Middlesbrough 132
Guisborough 132
Guisborough Second XI 132
Guisborough 130
Guisborough 130
Guisborough 130
Guisborough 130
Guisborough 130
South Northumberland 129
Guisborough 129
Redcar 128
Guisborough 128
Guisborough 128
Richmondshire Second XI 128
Guisborough 128
Guisborough 128
Guisborough 127
Richmondshire Second XI 126
Normanby Hall 126
Normanby Hall 126
Guisborough Second XI 125
Normanby Hall 124
Saltburn 123
Hartlepool 121
Guisborough 121
Guisborough 121
North Yorkshire and South Durham Cricket League 120
Middlesbrough 120
Middlesbrough 120
Guisborough 119
Sedgefield 119
Sedgefield 119
Marske Second XI 119
Thornaby 119
Thornaby 119
Guisborough Second XI 119
Guisborough 118
Great Ayton 118
Great Ayton 118
Sunderland 117
Darlington Second XI 117
Seaton Carew 117
Seaton Carew 117
Darlington 116
Darlington Second XI 116
Guisborough 115
Barnard Castle 115
Barnard Castle 115
Guisborough 114
Blackhall 114
Thornaby 114
Guisborough 113
Guisborough 113
Guisborough 112
Guisborough 112
Saltburn 111
Guisborough Second XI 111
Guisborough 111
Guisborough 111
Guisborough 111
Guisborough 110
Guisborough 110
Richmondshire 109
Guisborough 109
Marton 106
Wolviston 106
Guisborough 104
Whitby 104
York 104
Guisborough 104
Guisborough 104
Great Ayton 103
Guisborough Second XI 102
Billingham Synthonia 102
Billingham Synthonia 102
Marton 101
Marton 101
Marton 100
Billingham Synthonia 99
Blackhall 96
Sedgefield 95
Sedgefield 95
Richmondshire 94
Darlington Second XI 93
Marton Second XI 93
Guisborough Second XI 93
Saltburn 92
Stokesley 90
Guisborough Second XI 90
Guisborough Second XI 88
Guisborough Second XI 87
Thornaby 86
Guisborough 85
Guisborough Second XI 84
Guisborough Second XI 84
Redcar 83
Stokesley 83
Stokesley 83
Guisborough Second XI 82
Richmondshire 81
Richmondshire 81
Norton 78
Norton 78
Hartlepool 77
Guisborough 77
Guisborough 77
Marton 76
Guisborough Second XI 76
Guisborough 76
Guisborough 76
Guisborough 74
Hartlepool 73
Guisborough Second XI 72
Marton Second XI 70
Guisborough 69
Guisborough 69
Hartlepool 69
Hartlepool 69
Saltburn 68
Guisborough Second XI 66
Hartlepool 65
Scarborough 62
Marton 61
Marton 61
Hartlepool Second XI 58
Guisborough 58
Guisborough 58
Barnard Castle 50
Barnard Castle 50
Marske 49
Saltburn 42
Guisborough 27
Guisborough 27
