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Team Name Runs
Trinidad and Tobago 552
Trinidad and Tobago 552
Guyana 484
Guyana 484
Trinidad and Tobago 460
Trinidad and Tobago 460
Jamaica 431
Jamaica 431
Sri Lankans 428
Leeward Islands 425
Leeward Islands 425
Trinidad and Tobago 409
Trinidad and Tobago 409
South Africans 408
India Under-19s 405
India Under-19s 405
West Indies Championship XI 397
Trinidad and Tobago 389
Trinidad and Tobago 389
Leeward Islands 382
Leeward Islands 382
Trinidad and Tobago 380
Trinidad and Tobago 380
India A 365
Windward Islands 353
Windward Islands 353
India 351
India 351
Trinidad and Tobago 350
Trinidad and Tobago 350
Jamaica 347
Jamaica 347
Jamaica 346
Jamaica 346
Windward Islands 337
Trinidad and Tobago 326
Trinidad and Tobago 326
Guyana 324
Guyana 324
West Indies Academy 318
Barbados 316
Barbados 316
South Africa Under-19s 315
South Africa Under-19s 315
India Under-19s 307
India Under-19s 307
West Indies B 302
Jamaica 302
Jamaica 302
Trinidad and Tobago 302
Trinidad and Tobago 302
Trinidad and Tobago 295
Trinidad and Tobago 295
Barbados 294
Barbados 294
Trinidad and Tobago 293
Canada 292
Guyana 291
Trinidad and Tobago 290
Leeward Islands 290
Combined Campuses and Colleges 289
Windward Islands 288
Windward Islands 288
Jamaica 278
Jamaica 278
Windward Islands 277
Jamaica 275
Jamaica 275
Trinidad and Tobago 273
Trinidad and Tobago 273
West Indies Board President's XI 272
Guyana 269
Trinidad and Tobago 268
Trinidad and Tobago 268
England 267
England 267
Trinidad and Tobago 266
Canada 264
Windward Islands 264
West Indies Emerging Players 261
Barbados 260
Barbados 260
Trinidad and Tobago 252
Trinidad and Tobago 252
Jamaica 252
Jamaica 252
Trinidad and Tobago Under-17s 250
Guyana 247
Guyana 247
Trinidad and Tobago 244
United States of America 241
Windward Islands 241
Trinidad and Tobago 239
Trinidad and Tobago 239
Pakistan Under-19s 239
Pakistan Under-19s 239
Guyana 231
United States of America 230
Guyana 229
Windward Islands 227
Trinidad and Tobago 225
Trinidad and Tobago 225
Windward Islands 225
Barbados 221
Barbados 221
Windward Islands 219
Trinidad and Tobago 216
United States of America 216
Barbados 215
Barbados 215
Afghanistan Under-19s 215
Afghanistan Under-19s 215
Barbados 215
Trinidad and Tobago 214
Trinidad and Tobago 214
Guyana 213
Jamaica 212
Jamaica 212
Windward Islands 206
Windward Islands 206
Combined Campuses and Colleges 206
Canada 202
India A 201
United States of America 201
Windward Islands 201
Leeward Islands 198
Leeward Islands 198
Leeward Islands 198
Barbados 196
Windward Islands 195
Windward Islands 195
West Indies A 194
Trinidad and Tobago 193
Trinidad and Tobago 193
West Indies B 192
West Indies 192
West Indies 192
India 190
India 190
Guyana 190
Guyana 189
St Lucia Kings 189
St Lucia Kings 189
Leeward Islands 186
Leeward Islands 186
Windward Islands 186
Windward Islands 186
West Indies Emerging Players 185
Trinbago Knight Riders 185
Trinbago Knight Riders 185
Trinbago Knight Riders 184
Trinbago Knight Riders 184
West Indies Women 182
West Indies Women 182
West Indies Women 182
West Indies Women 182
United States of America 182
Barbados 182
Barbados 182
Guyana Amazon Warriors 181
Guyana Amazon Warriors 181
Jamaica 181
Combined Campuses and Colleges 180
Trinidad and Tobago 179
Ireland Under-19s 179
Ireland Under-19s 179
West Indies 179
West Indies 179
Barbados Royals 178
Barbados Royals 178
Windward Islands 177
Guyana 176
Trinbago Knight Riders 175
Trinbago Knight Riders 175
Trinbago Knight Riders 174
Trinbago Knight Riders 174
South Africa 174
South Africa 174
West Indies Emerging Players 173
Windward Islands 173
Windward Islands 173
St Lucia Zouks 172
St Lucia Zouks 172
Barbados Tridents 171
Barbados Tridents 171
Trinidad and Tobago 170
Trinidad and Tobago 170
Barbados Royals Women 169
Jamaica Tallawahs 168
Jamaica Tallawahs 168
Leeward Islands 168
Leeward Islands 168
St Lucia Kings 167
St Lucia Kings 167
Barbados Tridents 166
Barbados Tridents 166
Trinbago Knight Riders 165
Trinbago Knight Riders 165
Jamaica Tallawahs 165
Jamaica Tallawahs 165
Sri Lanka Women 162
Sri Lanka Women 162
Sri Lanka Women 162
Sri Lanka Women 162
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 162
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 162
Jamaica Tallawahs 161
Jamaica Tallawahs 161
Guyana Amazon Warriors Women 161
Barbados Tridents 160
Barbados Tridents 160
Trinidad and Tobago 160
Trinidad and Tobago 160
Guyana Amazon Warriors 159
Guyana Amazon Warriors 159
St Lucia Zouks 158
St Lucia Zouks 158
Ireland Under-19s 158
Ireland Under-19s 158
Jamaica 158
West Indies Women 155
West Indies Women 155
West Indies Women 155
Windward Islands 154
St Lucia Zouks 154
St Lucia Zouks 154
Jamaica Tallawahs 154
Jamaica Tallawahs 154
Barbados Tridents 153
Barbados Tridents 153
Windward Islands 152
Windward Islands 152
St Lucia Zouks 152
St Lucia Zouks 152
West Indies 151
West Indies 151
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 149
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 149
West Indies 149
West Indies 149
St Lucia Kings 149
St Lucia Kings 149
West Indies 149
West Indies 149
West Indies 149
South Africa 149
South Africa 149
Trinbago Knight Riders 148
Trinbago Knight Riders 148
Trinidad and Tobago 147
Trinidad and Tobago 147
Guyana Amazon Warriors 147
Guyana Amazon Warriors 147
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 147
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 147
St Lucia Kings 147
St Lucia Kings 147
Trinbago Knight Riders 146
Trinbago Knight Riders 146
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 145
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 145
St Lucia Zouks 145
St Lucia Zouks 145
India 145
India 145
Guyana Amazon Warriors 144
Guyana Amazon Warriors 144
Guyana Amazon Warriors 144
Guyana Amazon Warriors 144
St Lucia Zouks 144
St Lucia Zouks 144
Leeward Islands 144
Leeward Islands 144
Sri Lanka Women 142
Sri Lanka Women 142
Sri Lanka Women 142
Sri Lanka Women 142
Jamaica 141
Jamaica 141
Jamaica 141
Jamaica 141
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 140
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 140
Trinidad and Tobago 139
Trinidad and Tobago 139
Windward Islands 138
Windward Islands 137
Windward Islands 137
Papua New Guinea 137
Sri Lanka Women 136
Sri Lanka Women 136
Sri Lanka Women 136
Sri Lanka Women 136
New Zealand 136
New Zealand 136
New Zealand 136
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 135
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 135
West Indies Women 135
West Indies Women 135
West Indies Women 135
Jamaica Tallawahs 135
Jamaica Tallawahs 135
Barbados 135
Leeward Islands 135
Guyana Amazon Warriors 134
Guyana Amazon Warriors 134
Jamaica Tallawahs 134
Jamaica Tallawahs 134
Uganda 134
Ireland Under-19s 133
Ireland Under-19s 133
Trinidad and Tobago 133
Trinidad and Tobago 133
England 132
England 132
Barbados Tridents 131
Barbados Tridents 131
Trinbago Knight Riders Women 130
Barbados Royals Women 130
Windward Islands 129
Trinbago Knight Riders Women 128
Guyana Amazon Warriors Women 128
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 127
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 127
Jamaica 125
Jamaica 125
Jamaica 123
West Indies 122
West Indies 122
Trinidad and Tobago 120
Trinidad and Tobago 120
Combined Campuses and Colleges 119
Guyana Amazon Warriors 118
Guyana Amazon Warriors 118
Guyana Amazon Warriors Women 118
Trinidad and Tobago 116
Trinidad and Tobago 116
Jamaica Tallawahs 116
Jamaica Tallawahs 116
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 115
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 115
Trinbago Knight Riders Women 113
Trinbago Knight Riders 111
Trinbago Knight Riders 111
United States of America 109
St Lucia Zouks 109
St Lucia Zouks 109
Papua New Guinea 109
South Africa 108
South Africa 108
Jamaica Tallawahs 107
Jamaica Tallawahs 107
Barbados Royals 107
Barbados Royals 107
Guyana 105
Jamaica Tallawahs 104
Jamaica Tallawahs 104
Trinidad and Tobago 103
Trinidad and Tobago 103
South Africa Women 101
South Africa Women 101
South Africa Women 101
Barbados Royals Women 101
Windward Islands 97
Windward Islands 97
Barbados Under-17s 96
Trinidad and Tobago 96
Trinidad and Tobago 96
Papua New Guinea 95
Papua New Guinea 95
Papua New Guinea 95
Trinbago Knight Riders Women 93
Barbados Tridents 92
Barbados Tridents 92
Uganda 90
Uganda 90
Barbados Tridents 89
Barbados Tridents 89
Canada Under-19s 85
Canada Under-19s 85
Guyana Amazon Warriors Women 84
Guyana Amazon Warriors 81
Guyana Amazon Warriors 81
Uganda Under-19s 79
Uganda Under-19s 79
Windward Islands 78
Papua New Guinea 78
Papua New Guinea 78
Papua New Guinea 78
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 77
St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 77
Trinbago Knight Riders Women 72
Afghanistan 56
Afghanistan 56
Afghanistan 56
Guyana Amazon Warriors 55
Guyana Amazon Warriors 55
Uganda 40
Uganda 40
Uganda 40
