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Team Name Runs
Royal Artillery 493
Canadian I Zingari 491
Dublin University 485
Phoenix 394
Phoenix 382
Phoenix 375
Phoenix 367
Phoenix 365
Phoenix 355
Phoenix 347
Rush 344
Phoenix 340
YMCA 338
Leinster Second XI 333
Phoenix Park 328
Ireland 327
Phoenix 327
Clontarf 326
Phoenix 324
Phoenix 323
Dublin University 318
Old Belvedere Second XI 318
Phoenix 317
Phoenix 310
Phoenix 310
Railway Union 310
YMCA 309
North County Second XI 308
Gentlemen of Dublin 307
England Under-21s Women 307
Phoenix Second XI 304
Ireland 302
Phoenix 302
Phoenix 301
Ireland 300
Phoenix 300
Phoenix Second XI 300
Ireland 296
Laois 296
Phoenix Second XI 296
Phoenix 295
Instonians 290
Merrion Second XI 289
Phoenix 288
North Leinster 288
Phoenix 288
Phoenix 287
I Zingari 285
Phoenix 285
Phoenix 283
Phoenix 283
South Leinster 282
Phoenix 280
Phoenix 280
Phoenix 278
Munster 277
Phoenix 277
Phoenix 275
Phoenix 274
Phoenix 274
Phoenix 273
Railway Union 272
Phoenix Second XI 270
Mashonaland 269
Leinster 269
Phoenix 268
Phoenix 267
Phoenix 266
North County 266
Phoenix Second XI 266
North County 265
Dublin University 264
I Zingari 263
Clontarf 262
Civil Service 262
Merrion Second XI 261
Somerset 260
Phoenix 259
Pembroke 259
Phoenix 259
Phoenix 257
Phoenix 257
Dundrum 257
Phoenix 257
I Zingari 256
Phoenix 256
Phoenix 256
I Zingari 255
Ireland XI 255
Phoenix 254
Phoenix 252
Clontarf 250
North Leinster 249
YMCA 249
Phoenix Second XI 249
The Hills 248
Phoenix 246
Phoenix 245
Leinster 244
Railway Union 244
CYM 243
Stonyhurst Wanderers 242
Phoenix 242
Leinster 242
Phoenix 242
Clontarf Second XI 241
Oxford University Authentics 240
North County 240
Phoenix 240
Munster Reds 240
Phoenix 240
Laois 240
Phoenix 239
Phoenix Second XI 239
Phoenix 238
North Leinster 237
Old Belvedere Second XI 237
Balbriggan 237
Gentlemen of Ireland 235
Merrion 235
Mullingar 234
Phoenix 233
Ulster Country 233
Phoenix 232
I Zingari 229
Phoenix Second XI 229
Leinster 228
South 228
Phoenix 228
Phoenix 228
Phoenix Second XI 227
Phoenix 227
Phoenix 227
Phoenix Second XI 226
Phoenix Second XI 226
Pembroke 225
Phoenix 225
Phoenix Third XI 225
Phoenix 224
Clontarf 224
South Leinster Women 224
North County 224
Pembroke Second XI 224
Phoenix 223
Phoenix 223
Phoenix Second XI 223
Phoenix 223
Phoenix 223
Phoenix Second XI 223
Ireland 222
Clontarf 221
Phoenix 221
The Hills 220
Phoenix 220
Phoenix 219
Rush 219
Merrion 218
Phoenix 218
Cork County 217
Phoenix 216
Knockharley 216
Gentlemen of Dublin 215
Phoenix 215
Pembroke 215
Clontarf 214
Gentlemen of Philadelphia 213
The Hills Second XI 213
CYM 211
Phoenix 211
Old Belvedere 210
Phoenix Second XI 210
Marylebone Cricket Club 209
South Africans 209
Phoenix Second XI 209
Phoenix 209
I Zingari 208
Phoenix Park 208
Leprechauns 208
Northern Cricket Union 208
Germantown 207
Merrion 207
Phoenix 207
Malahide Second XI 207
Ireland 206
Malahide Second XI 206
Eglinton 206
The Hills 206
Phoenix 205
Phoenix 205
Phoenix 205
Greystones 205
North Leinster 204
North Leinster 204
Merrion 204
Marylebone Cricket Club 203
Phoenix 203
Waringstown 203
Phoenix 202
United Ireland Eleven 202
North Leinster 202
Pembroke 202
Phoenix 202
Phoenix 202
Phoenix 202
I Zingari 201
Phoenix 201
Terenure 201
Phoenix 201
YMCA 200
Phoenix 200
Phoenix 199
North Leinster 199
Phoenix 199
Mullingar 199
Merrion 199
Eglinton 199
I Zingari 198
Dublin University 198
Phoenix 198
Clontarf 197
Railway Union Second XI 197
Pembroke 197
Malahide 197
The Hills Second XI 196
North Kildare 196
Phoenix 196
I Zingari 195
Oxford University Authentics 195
Irish Schools 195
Ulster Country 195
Phoenix 194
England A Women 194
Irish Universities 194
Dublin University 194
Rush 194
YMCA 194
Leprechauns 194
YMCA Third XI 194
Phoenix 193
Clontarf 192
Railway Union 191
Dublin University 190
Phoenix 190
Merrion 190
Phoenix 190
Ardmore 190
Leinster 189
Phoenix Second XI 189
Southern Ireland Under-15s 188
Malahide 187
Phoenix 186
Phoenix Second XI 186
Phoenix 186
Phoenix 185
Dublin University 185
Leinster 184
Phoenix 184
Phoenix 184
Phoenix 183
Railway Union 183
Leicester Ivanhoe 182
Ulster Country 182
Phoenix 182
Phoenix 182
Leinster 182
CYM 181
Civil Service 181
Railway Union Second XI 181
Merrion Second XI 181
North Down 180
North County 180
Terenure 180
Phoenix 180
RJH Lambert's XI 179
Phoenix Second XI 179
Clontarf 179
Rush 178
Ireland 177
Old Belvedere 177
Phoenix Second XI 177
I Zingari 176
I Zingari 176
Eton Ramblers 176
Leprechauns 176
The Hills 175
The Hills 175
Pembroke 175
Phoenix Second XI 174
Ireland XI 173
Malahide Third XI 173
Pembroke 172
Phoenix 172
Balbriggan 172
North Leinster 171
Phoenix 171
Phoenix 171
Rush 171
I Zingari 170
Dublin University 169
North County Third XI 169
Phoenix 168
Phoenix 168
North Leinster 168
Phoenix 168
Phoenix 168
Phoenix A 167
Dublin University 167
Netherlands Women 167
YMCA 167
Malahide 166
Munster Reds 166
North Kildare 166
I Zingari 165
Phoenix 165
I Zingari 165
Phoenix Second XI 165
Phoenix 165
Leicester Ivanhoe 164
South 164
North County 164
Incogniti 163
Munster 163
Old Belvedere 163
Leinster 163
YMCA 163
Phoenix 163
Phoenix 162
Phoenix 162
Clontarf 162
Phoenix 161
Phoenix 161
Rush 161
Phoenix 160
Leinster 160
The Hills Second XI 160
Leprechauns 159
Phoenix 159
Old Belvedere 159
Phoenix 159
Dublin University 158
Phoenix 158
Mullingar 158
Derriaghy 158
Rush 158
I Zingari 157
Phoenix 157
North Leinster 157
Phoenix 157
Phoenix 157
Malahide 156
Phoenix 156
Ulster Town 155
North Leinster Women 155
Phoenix 155
Phoenix 155
Rush 155
I Zingari 154
Dublin University 154
Phoenix 154
I Zingari 153
CYM 153
Dublin University 153
North Down 153
Ireland 152
North Leinster 152
Pembroke Third XI 152
Phoenix 151
Phoenix 150
YMCA 149
Phoenix 148
Glendermott 148
Ireland Women 148
Ireland Women 148
Ireland Women 148
Phoenix 148
I Zingari 147
Toronto Cricket Club 146
Merrion 146
YMCA Second XI 145
Pembroke 145
Phoenix 145
Phoenix 144
Merrion 144
Phoenix Second XI 144
Clontarf 143
Phoenix 143
I Zingari 142
North 142
Pembroke 142
North Kildare 142
Balbriggan 142
Phoenix 141
Phoenix 141
Ireland Women 140
Clontarf Third XI 140
Laois 140
Clontarf 139
Phoenix 139
St Johnston 139
Civil Service 139
Phoenix 139
Civil Service 138
Malahide 138
Marylebone Cricket Club 137
Ireland 137
Munster Reds 137
Rush 137
Phoenix 137
Clontarf 137
Players of Dublin 136
Phoenix 136
North County 136
Clontarf Third XI 136
Phoenix 136
Ireland 135
I Zingari 135
I Zingari 135
Bryn-y-Neuadd 134
Eton Ramblers 134
Phoenix 134
Malahide 134
Lurgan 134
Dublin University 133
YMCA 133
Malahide 133
Oak Hill 133
North County 133
United Ireland Eleven 132
South Leinster 132
Downpatrick 132
Phoenix 132
Cork County 132
Phoenix 132
North County 131
Railway Union 131
Phoenix 131
Dublin University 130
Terenure 130
North County 129
Leinster Second XI 129
Pembroke 128
Civil Service North 128
United Ireland Eleven 127
Ulster Town 127
CYM 127
Phoenix 127
Phoenix 127
Phoenix 127
Phoenix Second XI 127
United England Eleven 126
The Remnants 126
Phoenix 126
Phoenix Second XI 126
Phoenix 126
Phoenix Second XI 126
North West 124
Pembroke Second XI 124
Pembroke 123
YMCA 123
Balbriggan 123
Merrion Third XI 123
Vice Regal Lodge 122
E Stanley's XI 122
Merrion 122
Pembroke Third XI 122
Gentlemen of Dublin 121
Irish Schools 121
The Hills 121
Old Belvedere 121
Dublin University 121
Leinster 121
Ireland 120
University College, Dublin 120
Phoenix 120
Rush 120
Phoenix Second XI 120
Imperial Tobacco Company 119
North County 119
I Zingari 118
Dublin University 118
YMCA Second XI 118
North County 118
Phoenix 117
YMCA Second XI 117
Railway Union Second XI 117
Malahide Second XI 117
Phoenix 116
Ireland 116
Birkenhead Park 116
Leprechauns 116
Phoenix 116
Phoenix Second XI 116
Phoenix 116
Phoenix 115
Phoenix 115
Phoenix 115
Yorkshire Women Second XI 114
The Hills 114
I Zingari 113
Mullingar 113
