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Team Name Runs
Marylebone Cricket Club 356
United Arab Emirates 356
Bermuda 332
Australians 320
Namibia 320
United Arab Emirates 302
United States of America 297
Canada 294
Scotland 282
Scotland 282
Australian Old Collegians 276
Marylebone Cricket Club 270
Bermuda 267
Bermuda 265
Bermuda 265
Bermuda 264
Gloucestershire 258
United Arab Emirates 258
Gloucestershire 256
Yorkshire 255
United States of America 254
Marylebone Cricket Club 253
New Zealanders 249
Bermuda 247
Australian Old Collegians 236
United States of America Under-15s 236
Canada 230
Canada 230
Somerset Cricket Club 223
Scotland Under-19s 223
Scotland Under-19s 223
Uganda 222
United States of America 220
Bermuda 215
EHM Burn's XI 214
Canada Under-17s 212
Canada Under-17s 210
Uganda 206
Gloucestershire 204
Bermuda 201
Bermuda 196
Scotland 196
Scotland 196
Canada 196
Canada 196
Bermuda 195
United States of America Under-17s 195
Canada Under-21s 194
Bermuda 194
Bermuda Under-17s 193
Bermuda 192
United States of America 189
Bermuda 189
Bermuda 188
United Arab Emirates 188
Bermuda Board XI 184
WS Surridge's XI 183
United States of America 183
Bermuda 181
Bermuda 181
WS Surridge's XI 180
Italy 180
Bermuda 179
New Zealand Ambassadors 178
Somers Isles Cricket League 178
United Arab Emirates 178
Western Stars 176
Bermuda 176
Bermuda 176
Bermuda 175
Australian Old Collegians 173
Australian Cricket Society 173
United States of America 170
EHM Burn's XI 168
Bermuda 168
Yorkshire 167
Cayman Islands Under-15s 166
Bahamas Under-15s 166
EHM Burn's XI 165
Bermuda 165
Bermuda 164
New Zealanders 161
Bermuda 161
Nepal 160
Bermuda Under-17s 159
Bermuda 157
Bermuda 155
Namibia 153
Uganda 151
Bermuda Under-17s 150
Bermuda Cricket Association 149
Bermuda 148
Bermuda 148
Marylebone Cricket Club 146
Somerset Cricket Club 140
Cayman Islands 138
Bermuda 138
United States of America 138
Bahamas 137
Bermuda 137
EW Swanton's XI 134
EHM Burn's XI 134
New Zealand Ambassadors 133
Bermuda Wanderers 133
West Indies 133
Marylebone Cricket Club 132
Oman 132
Canada 132
Canada 132
England Under-17s 131
England Under-17s 131
Marylebone Cricket Club 131
Bermuda Board President's XI 130
United States of America Under-17s 130
Somers Isles Cricket League 129
Devonshire Recreation Club 128
Bahamas 128
Bermuda 126
Bermuda Under-15s 126
Marylebone Cricket Club 124
United States of America 123
Barbados 123
Bermuda 123
Cayman Islands 123
Cayman Islands 123
Cayman Islands 121
New Zealanders 119
Bermuda 119
Uganda 119
United States of America Under-17s 117
Uganda 114
Bermuda Under-19s 113
Bermuda Under-19s 113
Bermuda 108
Bermuda 108
Bermuda 106
Bermuda 106
Australian Cricket Society 105
United States of America Under-15s 104
United States of America 103
Bahamas 101
Bermuda 101
Canada 100
Bermuda 99
Cayman Islands 99
Argentina 97
Bahamas 96
Bermuda 96
Bermuda 93
Bermuda 93
Bermuda 91
Bermuda 91
Bermuda Board President's XI 91
Italy 91
Eastern Counties 89
Bermuda 88
Bermuda 87
Scotland Under-19s 86
Scotland Under-19s 86
Panama 86
Panama 86
New Zealand Ambassadors 82
Bermuda 82
Bermuda 82
National Sports Club 81
Cayman Islands Under-15s 80
Bermuda 77
Bermuda Cricket Association 76
Marylebone Cricket Club 75
Pick of the Leagues 69
Cayman Islands 68
Cayman Islands 68
Panama 67
Panama 67
Bermuda 65
Australian Cricket Society 65
Bermuda Cricket Association 56
Bermuda 56
Cayman Islands 30
Cayman Islands 30
