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Team Name Runs
Shrewsbury School 473
Liverpool 387
Shrewsbury School 381
Shrewsbury Saracens 367
Shrewsbury School 355
Uppingham School 347
Rossall School 344
Uppingham School 339
Shrewsbury School 318
Old Cheltonians 317
Wolverhampton 314
Shrewsbury School 314
Shrewsbury Saracens 312
Shrewsbury School 308
Sedbergh School 308
Shrewsbury School 303
Shrewsbury School 302
Old Malvernians 298
Shrewsbury Saracens 295
Southern Vipers Academy 294
Shrewsbury Saracens 292
Shrewsbury Saracens 289
Shrewsbury School 288
Shropshire Gentlemen 288
Shrewsbury School 286
Shrewsbury School 284
Repton School 282
Stowe School 282
Stowe Templars 278
Old Malvernians 276
Shrewsbury Saracens 276
Bradfield Waifs 271
Marylebone Cricket Club 268
Bromsgrove School 267
Shrewsbury School 267
Gentlemen of Worcestershire 266
Shrewsbury School 265
Oundle Rovers 260
Old Malvernians 260
Shrewsbury School 259
Shrewsbury Saracens 259
Northern Diamonds Academy 254
Central Sparks Academy 254
Shrewsbury School 253
Sherborne Pilgrims 252
Rugby Meteors 252
Shrewsbury Saracens 252
Shrewsbury School 251
Shrewsbury School 250
Rugby Meteors 250
Shrewsbury Saracens 250
Shrewsbury Saracens 250
Shrewsbury Saracens 249
Shrewsbury School 248
Repton School 246
Shrewsbury Saracens 245
Free Foresters 245
Old Salopians 243
Shrewsbury Saracens 242
Shrewsbury Saracens 242
Central Sparks Academy 242
Rock Ferry 240
Shrewsbury Saracens 240
Shrewsbury School 240
Shropshire 239
Gentlemen of Shropshire 239
Shrewsbury Saracens 239
Bradfield Waifs 239
Sunrisers Academy 239
King's Shropshire Light Infantry 238
Shrewsbury School Second XI 238
Shrewsbury Saracens 238
Repton School 237
Shrewsbury Saracens 237
Shrewsbury School 236
Shrewsbury School Under-14s B 236
Shrewsbury School 235
Harrow Wanderers 235
Wales National Counties North Under-19s 235
Shrewsbury School 233
Repton School 233
Sedbergh School 231
Shrewsbury School 231
Shrewsbury Saracens 230
Shrewsbury School Under-14s B 230
South East Stars Academy 230
Central Sparks Academy 230
Western Storm Academy 230
Shrewsbury School 229
Shrewsbury School 229
Thunder Academy 229
Rossall School 228
Old Cranleighans 228
Junior Rubies 228
Marylebone Cricket Club 226
Shrewsbury School 226
Uppingham School 225
St Edward's Martyrs 225
Shrewsbury School Second XI 225
Shropshire 224
Old Tonbridgians 223
Haverford College 222
The Forty Club 222
Shrewsbury School Under-14s B 222
Suffolk Gentlemen 221
Uppingham School 221
King Edward's School, Birmingham 221
Southern Vipers Academy 220
Shrewsbury Saracens 219
Warwickshire Under-19s 219
Shrewsbury School 217
Shrewsbury School 217
The Forty Club 217
Junior Emeralds 216
Shrewsbury School 215
St Edward's Martyrs 215
Uppingham School 214
Shrewsbury Saracens 212
Shrewsbury School 211
Shrewsbury Saracens 211
Shrewsbury Saracens 211
Shrewsbury School 211
Shrewsbury School 210
Southern Vipers Academy 210
Western Storm Academy 209
Uppingham School 208
Shrewsbury School 208
Shrewsbury School 207
Shrewsbury School 207
Malvern College 206
Oundle Rovers 205
The Forty Club 205
Shrewsbury Saracens 204
Shrewsbury School 204
Southern Vipers Academy 204
Marylebone Cricket Club 204
Rossall School 203
Shrewsbury School 203
Shrewsbury School 203
Repton Pilgrims 203
Shrewsbury School Under-15s 203
Shrewsbury School 203
Lightning Academy 203
The Forty Club 203
Cumberland Development XI 202
Haydon's House, Shrewsbury School 201
Radley Rangers 201
Warwickshire Under-17s 201
Shrewsbury School 200
Shrewsbury School 200
Shrewsbury Saracens 200
Felsted Robins 199
Old Merchant Taylors 199
Gentlemen of Shropshire 199
Free Foresters 198
Shrewsbury School 197
Shrewsbury School 197
Shrewsbury School Second XI 197
Shrewsbury Saracens 197
Glamorgan and Wales Academy 196
Shrewsbury School 195
Marlborough College Under-15s 195
Shrewsbury School 195
Uppingham Rovers 194
Marylebone Cricket Club 194
Shrewsbury School 193
Marlborough Blues 193
Marlborough Blues 193
Shropshire Development XI 193
Sunrisers Academy 193
Shrewsbury School 193
Shrewsbury School 192
Shrewsbury School Under-15s B 192
Shrewsbury School 191
Shrewsbury School 191
Rugby Meteors 191
Shropshire Under-19s 191
The Forty Club 191
St Edward's Martyrs 191
The Forty Club 191
Shrewsbury School 190
Shrewsbury School 190
Northern Diamonds Academy 190
Shrewsbury School Second XI 190
Western Storm Academy 189
Repton Pilgrims 188
Shrewsbury School Under-15s B 188
Shrewsbury School Second XI 187
Shrewsbury School Under-15s 187
The Forty Club 186
The Forty Club 186
Shrewsbury School 186
Rugby School Under-15s 186
Shrewsbury School 185
Malvern College Third XI 185
Rossall School 184
The Forty Club 184
Central Sparks Academy 184
Uppingham School 183
Uppingham School 183
Repton Pilgrims 183
Shrewsbury Saracens 183
Shrewsbury School 183
Cryptics 182
Shrewsbury School Second XI 182
Shrewsbury School 182
Shrewsbury School 182
Haverford College 181
Malvern College 181
South East Stars Academy 181
The Forty Club 180
South East Stars Academy 180
Shrewsbury School 179
Old Alleynians 179
Shrewsbury School 178
England Women's Development Programme Under-19s Team Two 178
Northern Diamonds Academy 178
Thunder Academy 177
Rossall School 176
Shrewsbury School 176
Malvern College 176
Repton School 176
Uppingham School 176
Shrewsbury School 175
Thunder Academy 175
Suffolk Gentlemen 174
The Forty Club 174
Rossall School 173
Shrewsbury School 173
Uppingham School 173
Shrewsbury School 173
Shrewsbury School 172
Gentlemen of Worcestershire 172
Dulwich College 171
Malvern College 171
Eton College 171
Old Blundellians 170
The Forty Club 170
Western Storm Academy 170
Shrewsbury Saracens 169
King Edward's School, Birmingham 169
Felsted Robins 169
Shrewsbury School Under-16s 169
Shrewsbury School 168
Malvern College 168
Harrow Wanderers 168
Ellesmere College Second XI 168
Rossall School 167
Shrewsbury School 167
Shrewsbury School 167
Malvern College 166
Eton Ramblers 166
Manchester Grammar School 165
Shrewsbury School 164
Shrewsbury School 164
Shrewsbury Saracens 164
King Edward's School, Birmingham 164
Shrewsbury Saracens 164
Ellesmere College Under-16s 164
Stowe Templars 163
The Forty Club 163
Shrewsbury School 162
Wolverhampton Grammar School Under-14s B 162
Shrewsbury School 161
Sedbergh School Under-14s B 161
Shrewsbury School 161
Old Alleynians 160
The Forty Club 160
Worcestershire Under-19s 159
Rossall School 158
Shrewsbury School 158
Shrewsbury School 157
Rossall School 157
Uppingham School 157
Repton School Second XI 157
Shrewsbury School 156
Shrewsbury School 156
Shrewsbury School 156
Uppingham School 156
Shrewsbury Saracens 156
The Forty Club 156
Shrewsbury School 155
Shrewsbury School 155
Cumberland Development XI 155
Warwick School Under-15s 155
Marylebone Cricket Club 155
Shrewsbury School 154
Somerset Second XI 153
St Edward's Martyrs 153
Shrewsbury School 152
Shrewsbury Saracens 152
Northern Diamonds Academy 152
Shrewsbury School 151
Shrewsbury School 151
The Forty Club 151
Denstone College 151
Repton School 151
Uppingham School 151
Southern Vipers Academy 151
Shrewsbury School 150
Shrewsbury School 150
Felsted Robins 150
The Forty Club 150
Shrewsbury School 150
Shrewsbury School 149
Shrewsbury School 149
Repton School 149
England Women's Development Programme Under-19s Team Two 149
Shrewsbury School 148
Rossall School 148
Essex Second XI 148
Shrewsbury School 147
Warwickshire Under-17s 147
Rossall School 146
Shrewsbury School 146
Shrewsbury School 146
Shrewsbury School 146
Rossall School 146
Shrewsbury Saracens 146
Shrewsbury Saracens 146
Central Sparks Academy 146
Rossall School 144
The Forty Club 144
Shrewsbury School Under-14s 144
The King's School, Worcester 144
Marylebone Cricket Club 143
Shrewsbury School 143
Shrewsbury Saracens 143
Junior Sapphires 143
Shrewsbury School Second XI 143
Lightning Academy 143
Shrewsbury School A XI 142
The Forty Club 142
Junior Sapphires 142
Shrewsbury School 142
Shropshire Yeomanry Officers 141
University of Pennsylvania 141
Rossall School 141
Shrewsbury Saracens 141
Bromsgrove School Under-14s 141
The Forty Club 141
Shrewsbury School 140
Uppingham School 140
Shrewsbury School 140
Uppingham Rovers 140
Rossall School 139
Shrewsbury School 139
King Edward's School, Birmingham 139
Malvern College 138
Old Merchant Taylors 138
King Edward's School, Birmingham 138
Unicorns A 138
Shrewsbury School 138
Birkenhead School 138
Marylebone Cricket Club 138
Shrewsbury School 137
Rossall School 137
Shrewsbury School 137
England Women's Development Programme Under-19s Team Three 136
Old Alleynians 135
King Edward's School, Birmingham 135
Lucton School Under-16s 135
Rossall School 134
The Forty Club 134
Rugby School Under-15s 134
Malvern College 134
Shrewsbury School 133
Rossall School 133
The Forty Club 132
Bromsgrove School 132
Southern Vipers Academy 132
Shrewsbury 131
Shrewsbury School 131
Shrewsbury School 131
Shrewsbury School 131
Repton School 131
Rossall School 131
Shrewsbury School 130
Shrewsbury School 130
Shrewsbury School Second XI 130
Lincolnshire Development Squad 130
The Forty Club 130
Uppingham School 130
Manchester Grammar School Under-15s B 129
Rossall School 128
Rossall School 128
Uppingham School 128
Uppingham School 128
Xavier College, Melbourne 128
Thunder Academy 128
Shrewsbury School 127
Rossall School 127
Shrewsbury School 127
Shrewsbury School Under-15s 127
Gentlemen of Shropshire 126
Old Westminsters 126
Shrewsbury School Third XI 126
Shrewsbury School 125
Uppingham School 125
Sunrisers Academy 125
Leicestershire Second XI 124
South East Stars Academy 124
Shrewsbury School 124
Rossall School 123
Shrewsbury School 123
Old Whitgiftians 123
Junior Emeralds 123
Uppingham School 122
Unicorns A 122
Uppingham School 121
Old Tonbridgians 121
Haileybury Hermits 121
Western Storm Academy 121
Rock Ferry 119
North East Wales Under-14s B 119
Shrewsbury Saracens 118
King Edward's School, Birmingham 118
Shrewsbury School 117
Rossall School 117
Shrewsbury Saracens 117
Central Sparks Academy 117
Shrewsbury School Second XI 117
Rossall School 116
Shrewsbury School 116
Shrewsbury School 116
Shrewsbury School 115
King Edward's School, Birmingham A XI 115
Repton School 114
Shrewsbury School 114
England Women's Development Programme Under-19s Team One 114
Shrewsbury School 113
Rossall School 113
Cumbria Women 113
Cumberland Development XI 113
Junior Rubies 113
Shrewsbury School 112
Uppingham School 112
Rossall School 112
Repton School Under-14s 112
Shrewsbury School 111
Free Foresters 111
Shrewsbury Saracens 111
The Forty Club 111
Junior Diamonds 111
Harrow Wanderers 111
Malvern College 110
Shrewsbury School 110
Sunrisers Academy 110
Wolverhampton 109
Rossall School 109
Shrewsbury School 109
Somerset Second XI 109
Shrewsbury School 108
Shrewsbury Saracens 108
Junior Sapphires 108
The Forty Club 108
England Women's Development Programme Under-19s Team Two 107
Junior Rubies 107
Shrewsbury School 106
Shrewsbury School 106
Uppingham School 106
England Women's Development Programme Under-19s Team Three 106
Free Foresters 106
Northern Diamonds Academy 106
Shrewsbury School 105
Shrewsbury School 105
Uppingham School 105
Rugby School 105
Shropshire 104
Shrewsbury School 104
Shrewsbury School 103
Repton School 103
Bromsgrove School Second XI 103
Rossall School 102
Shrewsbury School 102
Shrewsbury School 102
Shrewsbury Blue 101
Millfield School 101
Uppingham School 100
Shrewsbury School 100
Malvern College 99
Shrewsbury School 99
Gentlemen of Shropshire 99
Rossall School 98
Shrewsbury School 98
Cumberland Development XI 98
Malvern College 97
England Women's Development Programme Under-19s Team Two 97
Shrewsbury School 96
Uppingham School 96
Wrekin College Under-14s B 96
Sedbergh School 95
Shrewsbury Saracens 95
Shrewsbury School 95
Repton School Under-14s B 95
King Edward's School, Birmingham 94
Sedbergh School 94
Uppingham Rovers 94
Edgbaston 93
Shropshire Cricket Association Young Cricketers 93
