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Player Name Runs
NR Parlane 163
MR Dodunski 157
TM Lortan 154
GL MacInnes 154
B Popli 126
RK Brown 123
MJ Santner 116
RJ Warren 112
MR Jefferson 111
TW Hayes 107
BL Hood 107
JAF Yovich 106
BE Scott 104
DJ Nash 103
JB Lee 103
JBM Furlong 102
KA Vincent 100
JB Lee 97
CD Ingham 96
AW Evans 92
RW Laidlaw 91
DW Gibbs 90
AP Devcich 89
RPO Drysdale 83
CAS Hill 81
NA Lloyd 80
LV Parsons 78
MR Dodunski 77
G Singh 77
TJ Clarke 76
BM Weal 74
BJ Hatwell 74
BR Hampton 72
TG Manning 72
JJ Warner 71
SMK Tallott 69
LV Parsons 64
NJ Boyle 64
NF Kelly 64
GL MacInnes 63
WP Fowler 63
Tauseef Satti 62
SR Herkt 62
GF Brooks 61
CP Morey 61
MR Jefferson 60
AT Spurdle 59
AC Waller 59
ME Parlane 59
GL MacInnes 58
BS Wilson 58
KG Bettley 58
DJ Kelliher 57
HMA Cameron 57
KA Vincent 56
HJ Forsman 56
KA Vincent 56
A Verma 55
RJ McLeod 54
FL Walker 54
CM Weight 53
KA Wealleans 52
TM Clarke 52
GE Bradburn 52
ST Knox 52
CJ Merchant 52
SD Cooper 51
B Popli 51
SMK Tallott 50
MD Bailey 50
FM Kilgour 49
AJ Bradley 49
MW O'Shaughnessy 49
DM Sorrenson 48
SJM McLeod 48
RJP McCarthy 48
LV Parsons 48
JDS White 48
JM Bezzant 48
DF Potter 48
FG Graafhuis 47
L Popli 47
IA Page 46
JS Child 46
JD Bates 46
TL Seifert 45
CJ Swanson 45
JW Bennett 45
RG Morgan 45
ME Parlane 44
NJ Boyle 44
AP Devcich 43
MR Jefferson 43
KM Farrell 43
A Desai 43
DJP Bradley 42
MW O'Shaughnessy 42
JV Hill 42
RPO Drysdale 42
NJ Boyle 42
IG Butler 42
SD Cooper 42
AC Herwels 42
CJ Pickett 41
SD Cooper 41
BL Hyde 41
DRT Bennett 41
JV Wiggans 41
LV Parsons 41
ST Knox 40
FM Kilgour 40
ST Knox 40
DJ Mitchell 40
SL Major 40
DS Clarke 40
NJ Boyle 39
AM Dodd 39
SJM McLeod 39
N Breslin 39
JK McDonald 39
CJ Swanson 39
EA Brandes 38
JG Morley 38
SJM McLeod 38
CJ Hewitt 38
BT Spragg 37
HB Chhagan 37
DGA Stewart 37
JC Malpas 37
ADR Campbell 37
BD Bridgen 36
SD Cooper 36
BT Spragg 35
PF Carsons 35
KM Farrell 35
RWO Child 35
FM Kilgour 34
ST Knox 34
GR Bell 34
R Dunning 34
CJ Swanson 33
IS Broderick 33
JD Bates 33
HB Darkins 33
BE Scott 32
MG Earl 32
FM Kilgour 32
PD McGlashan 31
DF Potter 31
CJ Trudgeon 31
L Popli 31
Y Kumar 31
SR Herkt 31
FM Kilgour 31
ID Loffler 31
KA Vincent 31
JG Hatwell 31
B McBurney 30
BW Revell 30
KA Vincent 30
BW Revell 30
JV Hill 30
JM Gibson 30
A Desai 30
A Jeal 30
DJ Kelliher 30
PW Hartland 30
BM Weal 29
BW Revell 29
KA Vincent 29
NF Kelly 29
JR Nelson 29
BM Weal 29
SL Major 28
KA Vincent 28
JD Bates 28
SO Lambly 28
MR Griffen 28
GL MacInnes 28
KG Dill 27
A Desai 27
Y Kumar 27
LV Parsons 27
AH Omarshah 27
LV Parsons 27
JM Bezzant 26
MR Dodunski 26
R Bean 26
AJ McLean 26
BH Thompson 26
JMB Loffler 26
RT King 26
WR James 26
N Breslin 26
BL Hood 26
MC MacKenzie 26
LV Parsons 25
JG Walker 25
TW Hayes 25
RG Morgan 25
AJ Wills 25
SO Lambly 25
KDC Clarke 25
OG Ivins 25
S Steward 25
MD McCann 25
R Wylie 25
TJ Clarke 24
FM Kilgour 24
JV Wiggans 24
BV Kneebone 24
MJ Henderson 24
KA Vincent 24
PD Bocock 24
DJ Kelliher 24
E Austin 24
NJ Boyle 24
SL Major 24
KA Vincent 24
GE Bradburn 24
D Child 24
AJ Boyle 24
RJ Warren 24
T Haggas 23
GL MacInnes 23
HJH Marshall 23
D Richardson 23
MS Wallbank 23
BS Wilson 23
AJ Bradley 23
HR Cooper 23
HLD Ritchie 23
LM Martin 23
RIJ Tallott 23
OG Ivins 23
BM Weal 23
AC Waller 23
KA Forde 23
JV Wiggans 23
R Wylie 23
DM Robinson 22
TL Seifert 22
JMB Loffler 22
MR McKinnon 22
DB Petley 22
AD Armstrong 22
TM Clarke 22
KA Vincent 22
T Payle 22
JD Irving 22
BJ Hatwell 21
RJ Kennedy 21
TL Seifert 21
D Philip 21
BM Saunders 21
FL Walker 21
TJ Hartland 21
KA Vincent 21
MW Pinny 21
JM How 21
DJ Murray 21
DT Jones 21
SWJ Wilson 20
BS Wilson 20
SD Cooper 20
GT Barrett 20
RJ McEwan 20
HR Cooper 20
AJZ Somani 20
EF Baigent 20
AR Tait 20
LV Parsons 20
PJ Henry 20
TJ Clarke 20
BD Speake 19
RM Palacio 19
TC Wansbone 19
BS Musgrave 19
JD Rout 19
KA Vincent 19
ML Thomas 19
BD Bridgen 19
AR Blair 19
HJ Forsman 19
RM Palacio 18
RJ Kennedy 18
JAF Yovich 18
JD Bates 18
MW O'Shaughnessy 18
LC Williamson 18
GM Chatfield 18
SJG Tallott 18
JG Walker 18
RJ McPherson 18
MW O'Shaughnessy 18
CG Schwarz 18
CL Aislabie 18
SC Dodds 18
BJ Cochrane 18
GE Beatty 17
CG Schwarz 17
HA Keast 17
D Philip 17
RW Laidlaw 17
OG Ivins 17
ID Loffler 17
D Strange 17
RJP McCarthy 17
MD Lobb 17
NM Daley 17
JR Nelson 17
JS Millar 17
MN Hart 17
KA Vincent 17
T Jameson 17
MW O'Shaughnessy 16
MR Dodunski 16
JK McDonald 16
GL MacInnes 16
ML Thomas 16
JW Bates 16
LV Parsons 16
BD Bridgen 16
RM Hobbs 16
A Jeal 16
NJ Carman 16
C Carmody 16
RH Faust 16
LW Martin 16
SD Cooper 16
BA Murray 16
GR Stead 15
AR Flegg 15
JD Bates 15
RM Palacio 15
MR Dodunski 15
DM Sorrenson 15
GR Morley 15
BJ Hatwell 15
GG Robinson 15
MW Pinny 15
JD Hickey 15
AJ Sclater 15
CAS Hill 15
TJ MacRury 15
MW O'Shaughnessy 15
CW Andrews 14
J Davies 14
C Robb 14
RJP McCarthy 14
E Austin 14
DJ Hill 14
JM Massie 14
CK Sclater 14
KA Vincent 14
BT Smith 14
PA Campbell 14
SP Beare 14
SL Major 14
PD Bocock 14
HJ Forsman 14
HMA Cameron 14
NB Gilbert 14
SR Herkt 14
A Yates 14
ML Taylor 14
CJ Hewitt 13
AJ Wills 13
N Bansal 13
H Evans 13
JW Bennett 13
LV Parsons 13
DR Hair 13
KDC Clarke 13
AR Flegg 13
OS Steverson 13
A Desai 13
OS Steverson 13
T Bridgman-Raison 13
TG Southee 12
RJP McCarthy 12
RN Procter 12
DJ Tidmarsh 12
GWC Stewart 12
TP Robin 12
BD Speake 12
KA Vincent 12
DW Gibbs 12
MS Wallbank 12
BV Kneebone 12
SJG Tallott 12
KA Vincent 12
AJZ Somani 12
MP Sweetman 12
BD Speake 12
DJ Kelliher 12
KM Farrell 12
CJ Merchant 12
DL Vettori 12
CS Fawcett 12
RG Morgan 12
RB Fitz-John 12
RW Laidlaw 12
RW Laidlaw 12
JB Lee 12
CD Garner 12
D Strange 12
DGA Stewart 12
LM Martin 12
N Goldthorp 11
BM Weal 11
AJ McLean 11
GR Morley 11
BT Smith 11
MRC Patten 11
RJ Keeley 11
RJ Ruddell 11
PW Hartland 11
AR Flegg 11
DA Thompson 11
MP Sweetman 11
MG McAdam 11
NJ Boyle 11
JM Bezzant 11
MR Dodunski 11
SL Major 11
ML Thomas 11
WG Fraser 11
AT Spurdle 11
HR Cooper 11
HJ Morgan 11
FM Kilgour 11
DP Lloyd 10
JB Dwight 10
AP Devcich 10
MC Putt 10
LW Martin 10
AD Thompson 10
ME Parlane 10
JA Rusk 10
DM Irwin 10
DJ Kelliher 10
SJG Tallott 10
SJM McLeod 10
AR Vodnala 10
CO Christophers 10
DJ Mitchell 10
C Carmody 10
BD Speake 10
BTJ Morris-Brown 10
PR Ardern 10
MR Dodunski 10
BR Hampton 10
LW Martin 10
JK McDonald 10
PD McGlashan 10
AR Flegg 10
RIJ Tallott 10
RN Phizackerley 9
SL Andrews 9
HJ Forsman 9
N Bansal 9
KA Vincent 9
G Littlejohn 9
T Hall 9
OG Ivins 9
PD Bocock 9
JD Hickey 9
DJ Power 9
BD Speake 9
AJZ Somani 9
JD Fulton 9
D Martin 9
JM Bezzant 9
RW Laidlaw 9
GR Loveridge 9
SMK Tallott 9
KG Bettley 9
BD Speake 8
PD Bocock 8
TL Seifert 8
DGA Stewart 8
JHJ Plummer 8
ME Parlane 8
RAI von Elling 8
SD Cooper 8
NJ Boyle 8
BS Oxenham 8
AJ Govorko 8
AR Blair 8
BW Revell 8
LV Parsons 8
SC Dodds 8
JS Child 8
RJP McCarthy 8
EM McKillop 8
DL Vettori 8
BJ Sweeney 8
HJ Forsman 8
CJ Swanson 8