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Team Name Runs
Northamptonshire Second XI 540
Northamptonshire Second XI 524
South Asian Cricket Academy 431
Glamorgan Second XI 394
South Asian Cricket Academy 386
Essex Second XI 367
Derbyshire Second XI 339
Northamptonshire Second XI 324
Overstone Park 321
Peterborough Town 310
Peterborough Town 310
Derbyshire Second XI 309
Northamptonshire Second XI 306
Overstone Park 306
Overstone Park 303
Overstone Park 303
South Asian Cricket Academy 303
Lancashire Second XI 300
Old Northamptonians 293
Old Northamptonians 293
Loughborough University Centre of Cricketing Excellence 293
Northamptonshire Second XI 290
Geddington 288
Geddington 288
Northamptonshire Under-15s Women 287
Oundle Town 282
Rushden and Higham Town 277
Rushden and Higham Town 277
Overstone Park 276
Overstone Park 276
Northamptonshire Second XI 275
Peterborough Town Second XI 272
Old Northamptonians 272
Old Northamptonians 272
South Asian Cricket Academy 268
Old Wellingburians 266
Overstone Park 266
Northampton Saints Second XI 266
Northamptonshire Second XI 261
Wolverton Town 261
Northamptonshire Under-18s 260
Leicestershire Under-18s 259
Overstone Park 258
Stony Stratford Second XI 257
Overstone Park 256
Overstone Park 256
Kislingbury Temperance 255
Overstone Park 255
Overstone Park 255
Overstone Park 254
Northamptonshire Second XI 253
Loddington and Mawsley 252
Overstone Park 252
Brigstock 252
Brigstock 252
East Haddon 251
Overstone Park 251
Old Wellingburians 250
Overstone Park 249
Old Northamptonians 248
Old Northamptonians 248
Overstone Park 248
Overstone Park 248
Geddington 248
Geddington 248
Overstone Park 247
Lincolnshire Over-50s 246
Overstone Park 246
Overstone Park 246
Overstone Park 246
Northamptonshire Under-15s Women 245
Great Oakley 244
Overstone Park 244
Overstone Park 243
Overstone Park 243
Shropshire Over-60s 242
Overstone Park 242
Overstone Park 242
Great Oakley 241
Long Buckby 241
Brigstock 241
Isham 240
Loddington and Mawsley 239
Old Wellingburians 239
Wellingborough Town 238
Overstone Park 238
Overstone Park Second XI 237
Overstone Park Second XI 237
Overstone Park 236
Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Women 236
Brixworth 236
Brixworth 236
Northamptonshire Second XI 235
Wellingborough Town 234
Overstone Park 234
Weekley and Warkton 232
Finedon Dolben Second XI 231
Overstone Park 231
Northamptonshire Over-50s 231
Overstone Park 231
Overstone Park 230
Northamptonshire Over-50s 230
Isham 229
Northamptonshire Over-60s 229
Overstone Park 228
Overstone Park 228
Brigstock 228
Brigstock 228
Overstone Park 227
Overstone Park 227
Overstone Park 227
Desborough Town 225
Thrapston 225
Irthlingborough Town 224
Overstone Park 224
Rothwell Town 224
Finedon Dolben Second XI 223
Stewarts and Lloyds Corby 223
Stony Stratford Second XI 223
Overstone Park Second XI 222
Burton Latimer 220
Overstone Park 220
Earls Barton 220
Long Buckby 220
St Crispin and Ryelands 219
Bedfordshire Over-60s 219
Overstone Park Second XI 218
Stewarts and Lloyds Corby 218
Northampton Saints Second XI 218
St Crispin and Ryelands Second XI 217
Finedon Dolben Second XI 216
Loddington and Mawsley 216
Overstone Park Second XI 215
Geddington 215
Geddington 215
Northamptonshire Over-60s 214
Overstone Park 211
Overstone Park 211
Mears Ashby 211
Buckinghamshire Under-15s Women 211
Geddington 211
Geddington 211
Great Oakley 210
Irchester 210
Overstone Park 209
Burton Latimer 209
Overstone Park 209
Overstone Park 207
Northampton Saints Second XI 207
Finedon Dolben Second XI 207
Old Wellingburians 206
Rushton 205
Lancashire Second XI 204
Overstone Park 204
Overstone Park 204
Overstone Park 204
Old Northamptonians Second XI 203
Overstone Park 203
Worcestershire Over-60s 203
Loughborough University Centre of Cricketing Excellence 203
Overstone Park 202
Great Oakley Second XI 200
Overstone Park 200
Overstone Park 199
Great Houghton 199
Norfolk Over-50s 199
Overstone Park 199
Overstone Park 199
Overstone Park 199
Overstone Park 198
Overstone Park 198
South Asian Cricket Academy 198
East Haddon 197
Northamptonshire Second XI 197
Overstone Park 196
Overstone Park Second XI 196
Overstone Park 194
Overstone Park 194
Overstone Park 193
Essex Second XI 192
Overstone Park 192
Great Houghton 192
Northamptonshire Over-50s 192
Rushden and Higham Town 192
Rushden and Higham Town 192
Overstone Park 192
Overstone Park 192
Burton Latimer 191
Rushton 191
Northampton Saints Second XI 191
Hertfordshire Over-60s 191
Northamptonshire Over-60s 191
Wellingborough Old Grammarians 190
Bowden 189
Overstone Park Second XI 189
Overstone Park 188
Overstone Park 188
Old Wellingburians 186
Towcestrians 186
Earls Barton 185
Earls Barton 185
Kettering Town 185
Overstone Park 184
Brigstock 184
Overstone Park 184
Overstone Park 184
Northamptonshire Second XI 184
Northamptonshire Second XI 184
Wollaston 183
Loddington and Mawsley 183
Northamptonshire Over-60s 183
Stony Stratford Second XI 182
Northampton Saints Second XI 181
Overstone Park Second XI 181
Overstone Park 180
Overstone Park 179
Overstone Park 179
Overstone Park 178
St Crispin and Ryelands 178
Overstone Park 178
Overstone Park Second XI 178
Overstone Park Second XI 177
Peterborough Town Second XI 177
Weekley and Warkton 176
Overstone Park 176
Overstone Park 175
Overstone Park 175
Stony Stratford Third XI 175
Brigstock 175
Overstone Park 174
Overstone Park 174
Thrapston 174
Wellingborough Indians 174
Hampshire Over-60s 173
Staffordshire Under-15s Women 173
Overstone Park 172
Earls Barton 172
Irthlingborough Town 171
Northamptonshire Second XI 171
Peterborough Town 170
Peterborough Town 170
Overstone Park 168
Overstone Park 168
Overstone Park 168
Overstone Park 167
Overstone Park 167
South Asian Cricket Academy 167
Horton House 166
Horton House 166
Norfolk Over-60s 165
Overstone Park 164
Overstone Park 164
Weekley and Warkton 164
Weekley and Warkton 163
Overstone Park 163
Northamptonshire Over-60s 163
Overstone Park 162
Northamptonshire Over-60s 162
Overstone Park 161
Overstone Park 161
Overstone Park 161
Overstone Park 161
Overstone Park 160
Overstone Park 159
Northamptonshire Over-50s 159
Brigstock 159
Brigstock 159
Essex Second XI 158
Thrapston 158
Overstone Park 158
Overstone Park 158
Northampton Saints Second XI 157
Weekley and Warkton 157
Northamptonshire Over-60s 157
Northampton Saints Second XI 156
Warwickshire Under-15s Women 156
Overstone Park 155
Overstone Park 154
Overstone Park 154
Horton House 154
Horton House 154
Overstone Park Second XI 153
Isham 153
Northamptonshire Second XI 153
Essex Second XI 152
Overstone Park 152
Old Wellingburians 151
Brigstock 151
Overstone Park 151
Overstone Park 151
Overstone Park 150
Brigstock 150
Overstone Park 147
Weekley and Warkton 146
Wellingborough Indians 146
Irchester 145
Overstone Park 144
Wellingborough Old Grammarians 144
Kislingbury Temperance 144
Kislingbury Temperance 144
Overstone Park 143
Northamptonshire Under-15s Women 143
Overstone Park 142
Kettering Town 139
Sunrisers Academy 139
Overstone Park 138
Wellingborough Town Second XI 138
Buckinghamshire Under-14s 138
Thrapston 137
Old Northamptonians Second XI 137
Overstone Park 137
Overstone Park 137
Overstone Park 136
Northampton Saints Second XI 136
Overstone Park 135
Raunds Town 135
Earls Barton 135
Overstone Park 134
Overstone Park 134
Overstone Park 133
Overstone Park 133
Westbury 132
Northampton Saints Second XI 132
West Haddon 130
Kettering Town 129
Hampshire Women 128
Rothwell Town 128
Oxfordshire Women 127
Overstone Park 126
Brigstock 125
Overstone Park 125
Overstone Park 124
Kettering Town Second XI 124
Wellingborough Old Grammarians 123
Overstone Park 123
East Haddon 123
Overstone Park 123
Overstone Park 123
Overstone Park Second XI 121
Overstone Park 120
Overstone Park 120
Desborough Town 120
Berkshire Under-15s Women 119
Overstone Park 118
Overstone Park 118
Kettering Town 118
Overstone Park 118
Overstone Park 118
Long Buckby 117
Brigstock 115
Overstone Park 115
Overstone Park 115
St Crispin and Ryelands 114
Overstone Park 112
Overstone Park 112
Finedon Dolben Second XI 110
Overstone Park 109
Overstone Park 109
Great Oakley 107
Burton Latimer Second XI 107
Rothwell Town Second XI 106
Worcestershire Second XI 106
Overstone Park Second XI 103
East Haddon 103
Desborough Town 102
Desborough Town 102
Northamptonshire Second XI 101
Overstone Park 100
Overstone Park 100
Overstone Park 98
Long Buckby 97
Rothwell Town 97
Rushden Town Second XI 97
Nottinghamshire Under-15s Women 93
Towcestrians 92
Overstone Park 92
Great Oakley 92
Worcestershire Second XI 92
Irchester 91
Herefordshire Under-14s 90
Overstone Park 88
Overstone Park Second XI 82
Overstone Park Second XI 81
Overstone Park 81
Overstone Park 80
Horton House Second XI 79
Overstone Park 77
Wellingborough Indians Second XI 73
Overstone Park 63
Overstone Park 63
Overstone Park Second XI 62
St Crispin and Ryelands 60
Northamptonshire Under-14s 60
Overstone Park 59
Overstone Park 59
Overstone Park Second XI 58
Irchester 50
Great Oakley 43
