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Team Name |
Runs |
Tonbridge School |
520 |
Tonbridge School |
433 |
Old Tonbridgians |
430 |
Incogniti |
412 |
Old Tonbridgians |
408 |
Old Tonbridgians |
383 |
Warwickshire Second XI |
378 |
Old Tonbridgians |
371 |
Old Tonbridgians |
371 |
Old Tonbridgians |
369 |
Bedford School |
361 |
Tonbridge School |
358 |
Kent Second XI |
353 |
Tonbridge School |
351 |
Tonbridge School |
345 |
Kent Second XI |
344 |
Tonbridge School |
342 |
Sussex Second XI |
339 |
Tonbridge School |
338 |
Tonbridge School |
337 |
Old Tonbridgians |
337 |
Tonbridge School |
335 |
Tonbridge School |
334 |
Kent Second XI |
332 |
Tonbridge School |
331 |
Old Tonbridgians |
331 |
Tonbridge School |
329 |
Tonbridge School |
328 |
Sherborne School |
327 |
Tonbridge School |
327 |
Old Tonbridgians |
324 |
Bedford School |
321 |
University of Pennsylvania |
319 |
Old Tonbridgians |
317 |
Eton Ramblers |
316 |
Sussex Martlets |
313 |
Old Merchant Taylors |
311 |
Old Tonbridgians |
311 |
Old Tonbridgians |
309 |
Free Foresters |
309 |
Arabs |
308 |
Old Tonbridgians |
307 |
Sherborne School |
306 |
Magdalen College, Oxford |
305 |
Tonbridge School |
304 |
Warwickshire Second XI |
304 |
Haverford College |
302 |
Yellowhammers |
302 |
Dulwich College |
301 |
Old Tonbridgians |
301 |
Old Tonbridgians |
300 |
Old Tonbridgians |
299 |
Tonbridge School |
298 |
Old Tonbridgians |
297 |
Tonbridge School |
295 |
Tonbridge School |
292 |
Tonbridge School |
289 |
St Edward's Martyrs |
287 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
287 |
Arabs |
284 |
Old Tonbridgians |
283 |
Band of Brothers |
283 |
Lancing College |
282 |
Stowe School |
282 |
Old Tonbridgians |
282 |
Tonbridge School |
281 |
Old Tonbridgians |
281 |
Yellowhammers |
280 |
Tunbridge Wells |
280 |
Tonbridge School |
278 |
Free Foresters |
273 |
Old Tonbridgians |
273 |
Band of Brothers |
273 |
Tonbridge School |
272 |
Old Tonbridgians |
272 |
Tonbridge School |
271 |
Tonbridge School |
271 |
Charterhouse Friars |
271 |
Harrow School |
270 |
Old Tonbridgians |
269 |
Old Tonbridgians |
269 |
Tonbridge School |
268 |
Old Tonbridgians |
268 |
Bradfield Waifs |
268 |
Tonbridge School |
267 |
Old Tonbridgians |
267 |
Old Tonbridgians |
266 |
Sussex Martlets |
266 |
Tonbridge School |
265 |
Tonbridge School |
264 |
Old Amplefordians |
264 |
Wellington College |
263 |
Bluemantles |
262 |
Bedford School |
262 |
Tonbridge School |
262 |
Tonbridge School |
261 |
Band of Brothers |
260 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
260 |
Old Tonbridgians |
259 |
Old Tonbridgians |
258 |
Yellowhammers |
258 |
Dulwich College |
257 |
Tonbridge School |
257 |
Tonbridge School |
257 |
Old Merchant Taylors |
257 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
256 |
Sussex Second XI |
255 |
Tonbridge School |
255 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
255 |
Sherborne School |
254 |
Lancing College |
253 |
Tonbridge School |
253 |
Clifton College |
252 |
Tonbridge School |
252 |
Kent Second XI |
252 |
Old Tonbridgians |
252 |
Old Tonbridgians |
252 |
Clifton College |
251 |
Old Tonbridgians |
251 |
Old Tonbridgians |
251 |
Tonbridge School Colts |
250 |
Dulwich College |
249 |
Sherborne Pilgrims |
249 |
Lancing College |
248 |
Old Cranleighans |
245 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
245 |
Tonbridge School |
243 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
243 |
Old Tonbridgians |
243 |
Tonbridge School |
243 |
Arabs |
243 |
Dulwich College |
241 |
Old Tonbridgians |
241 |
Tonbridge School |
240 |
Kent Club and Ground |
240 |
Kent Club and Ground |
240 |
West Kent |
239 |
Arabs |
238 |
Old Tonbridgians |
238 |
Old Tonbridgians |
236 |
Old Wykehamists |
236 |
Essex Second XI |
236 |
Cambridge University Crusaders |
235 |
Tonbridge School |
235 |
Old Merchant Taylors |
235 |
Yellowhammers |
235 |
Tonbridge School |
234 |
Old Whitgiftians |
234 |
Dulwich College |
234 |
Felsted Robins |
233 |
Kent Club and Ground |
232 |
Kent Club and Ground |
232 |
Bedford School |
231 |
Oakham School |
231 |
Eton College |
231 |
Arabs |
231 |
Surrey Second XI |
229 |
Oundle Rovers |
228 |
Tonbridge School |
227 |
Tonbridge School |
227 |
Uppingham Rovers |
227 |
Kent Club and Ground |
227 |
Kent Club and Ground |
227 |
Sherborne School |
226 |
Tonbridge School |
226 |
Kent Under-25s |
226 |
Kent Second XI |
226 |
Tonbridge School |
226 |
Army |
225 |
Army |
225 |
Old Tonbridgians |
225 |
Sussex Under-25s |
224 |
Tonbridge School |
223 |
Sherborne School |
223 |
Oakham School |
223 |
Repton Pilgrims |
223 |
Tonbridge School Second XI |
222 |
Kent Second XI |
222 |
Old Tonbridgians |
222 |
Marylebone Cricket Club Young Cricketers |
221 |
Haileybury College |
219 |
Old Tonbridgians |
219 |
Old Tonbridgians |
219 |
Sussex Second XI |
219 |
Sussex |
218 |
Tonbridge School |
217 |
Brighton College |
216 |
Tonbridge School |
216 |
Wiltshire |
216 |
Blackheath Proprietary School |
215 |
Charterhouse Friars |
215 |
Wiltshire |
214 |
Old Tonbridgians |
214 |
Bradfield Waifs |
214 |
Haileybury Hermits |
214 |
Oakham School |
214 |
Repton Pilgrims |
214 |
Tonbridge School |
214 |
Tonbridge School |
213 |
Tonbridge School |
213 |
Bedford School |
213 |
Army |
213 |
Army |
213 |
Yellowhammers |
213 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
213 |
Yellowhammers |
212 |
Tonbridge School |
211 |
Yellowhammers |
211 |
Old Bedfordians |
211 |
Tonbridge School |
209 |
London Counties |
209 |
Old Tonbridgians |
209 |
Kent Second XI |
208 |
Marlborough Blues |
208 |
St Edward's Martyrs |
208 |
Bradfield Waifs |
208 |
Clifton College |
207 |
Kent Second XI |
207 |
Eton Ramblers |
206 |
Old Tonbridgians |
206 |
Dulwich College |
205 |
Kent Under-25s |
205 |
Sherborne Pilgrims |
205 |
St John's College, Oxford |
204 |
Old Tonbridgians |
204 |
West Kent |
203 |
Old Tonbridgians |
203 |
Old Tonbridgians |
203 |
Sussex Second XI |
203 |
Tonbridge School |
203 |
Dulwich College |
201 |
Sherborne School |
199 |
Stowe Templars |
198 |
Stragglers of Asia |
198 |
Sherborne School |
197 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
197 |
Tonbridge School |
197 |
Tonbridge School |
197 |
Old Tonbridgians |
197 |
Tonbridge School |
196 |
Army |
196 |
Army |
196 |
Tonbridge School |
195 |
Dulwich College |
195 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
195 |
Rochester Clergy |
195 |
Hampshire Under-25s |
194 |
Sherborne School |
192 |
Tonbridge School |
191 |
Lancing College |
191 |
Tonbridge School |
191 |
Uppingham Rovers |
191 |
Old Alleynians |
191 |
Tonbridge School |
190 |
Tonbridge School |
190 |
Sussex Martlets |
190 |
Wiltshire |
189 |
Old Tonbridgians |
189 |
Ridley College |
189 |
Tonbridge School |
188 |
Old Tonbridgians |
188 |
Tonbridge School |
187 |
Stowe Templars |
185 |
Tonbridge School |
185 |
Yellowhammers |
184 |
Old Brightonians |
183 |
Old Cholmeleians |
183 |
Sussex Martlets |
183 |
Tonbridge School |
183 |
Eton Ramblers |
183 |
Old Tonbridgians |
182 |
Tonbridge School |
181 |
Tonbridge School |
181 |
Free Foresters |
180 |
Old Tonbridgians |
180 |
Old Brightonians |
180 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
180 |
Band of Brothers |
180 |
Tonbridge School |
179 |
Tonbridge School |
179 |
Kent Second XI |
178 |
Old Skinners' Society |
178 |
Kent Second XI |
177 |
Old Tonbridgians |
177 |
Felsted Robins |
177 |
Sherborne School |
176 |
Bradfield Waifs |
176 |
Tonbridge School |
175 |
Old Cheltonians |
175 |
Sherborne School |
173 |
Old Cliftonians |
173 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
173 |
Sherborne Pilgrims |
172 |
Old Brightonians |
172 |
Tonbridge School |
171 |
Tonbridge School |
171 |
Old Merchant Taylors |
171 |
Lancing College |
170 |
Sherborne Pilgrims |
170 |
Old Wellingtonians |
170 |
Old Tonbridgians |
169 |
Old Amplefordians |
169 |
Old Brightonians |
167 |
Tonbridge School |
166 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
166 |
Kent |
166 |
Tonbridge School |
166 |
Old Wykehamists |
166 |
Band of Brothers |
165 |
Oundle Rovers |
165 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
165 |
Clifton College |
164 |
Haileybury College |
164 |
Haileybury and Imperial Service College |
164 |
Marlborough Blues |
164 |
Old Alleynians |
164 |
Band of Brothers |
164 |
Tonbridge School |
163 |
Harrow Wanderers |
163 |
Haileybury Hermits |
162 |
Tonbridge School |
161 |
Tonbridge School |
161 |
Tonbridge School |
161 |
Old Tonbridgians |
161 |
Brighton College |
160 |
Marlborough Blues |
160 |
Tonbridge School |
160 |
Old Wellingtonians |
160 |
Tonbridge School |
159 |
Lancing College |
159 |
Uppingham Rovers |
159 |
Worshipful Company of Skinners |
159 |
Old Wykehamists |
159 |
Yellowhammers |
158 |
Sussex Martlets |
158 |
Wiltshire |
157 |
Haverford College |
156 |
CH Knott's XI |
156 |
Cambridge University Crusaders |
155 |
Lancing College |
155 |
Sussex Under-25s |
154 |
Lancing Rovers |
154 |
Brighton College |
153 |
Tonbridge School |
153 |
Tonbridge School |
153 |
Bedford School |
152 |
Band of Brothers |
152 |
Tonbridge School |
151 |
Lancing College |
151 |
Kent Under-25s |
151 |
Old Whitgiftians |
151 |
Band of Brothers |
151 |
Eastern Canadian Schools |
150 |
Old Alleynians |
150 |
Charterhouse Friars |
150 |
Yellowhammers |
150 |
Brighton College |
149 |
Tonbridge School |
149 |
Charterhouse Friars |
149 |
Sherborne School |
148 |
Tonbridge School |
148 |
Tonbridge School |
147 |
Marlborough Blues |
147 |
Tonbridge School |
147 |
Wiltshire |
146 |
Sussex Under-25s |
146 |
Old Tonbridgians |
146 |
Repton Pilgrims |
145 |
Hampshire Under-25s |
144 |
Old Tonbridgians |
144 |
Brighton College |
143 |
Tonbridge School |
143 |
Old Malvernians |
143 |
Tonbridge School |
142 |
Tonbridge School |
142 |
Sherborne School |
141 |
Haverford College |
141 |
Charterhouse School |
141 |
Tonbridge School |
140 |
Brighton College |
140 |
Tonbridge School |
140 |
Sherborne School |
140 |
Tonbridge School |
140 |
Old Eastbournians |
140 |
Lancing College |
139 |
Canterbury Clergy |
139 |
Radley Rangers |
138 |
Marlborough Blues |
138 |
Tonbridge School |
137 |
Westminster School |
137 |
Lancing College |
137 |
Hampshire Under-25s |
137 |
Haverford College |
136 |
Old Tonbridgians |
136 |
Radley College |
136 |
Old Millfieldians |
136 |
Felsted Robins |
135 |
Old Merchant Taylors |
135 |
Oakham School |
135 |
Rugby Meteors |
134 |
Kent Second XI |
134 |
Brighton College |
133 |
Kent Women |
133 |
Brighton College |
132 |
Westminster School |
132 |
Felsted Robins |
132 |
Hampshire Under-25s |
131 |
Hampshire Second XI |
130 |
Tonbridge School |
129 |
Tonbridge School |
129 |
I Zingari |
129 |
Shrewsbury Saracens |
127 |
Tonbridge School |
126 |
Tonbridge School |
125 |
Haileybury College |
124 |
Tonbridge School |
124 |
Old Wellingtonians |
124 |
Harrow School |
124 |
Brighton College |
123 |
Tonbridge School |
122 |
Lancing College |
122 |
Tonbridge School |
121 |
Tonbridge |
121 |
Tonbridge School |
121 |
Cranleigh School |
121 |
Old Merchant Taylors |
121 |
Kent Second XI |
120 |
Tonbridge School |
120 |
Eton Ramblers |
120 |
Old Blundellians |
120 |
Tonbridge School |
120 |
Eton Ramblers |
119 |
Tonbridge School |
118 |
Tonbridge School |
118 |
Kent Second XI |
117 |
Tonbridge School |
116 |
Middlesex Women |
116 |
Hampton School |
116 |
Brighton College |
115 |
Tonbridge School |
115 |
Sherborne School |
115 |
Sherborne School |
115 |
Uppingham Rovers |
115 |
Brighton College |
114 |
Dulwich College |
114 |
Harlequins |
114 |
Bedford School |
114 |
Tonbridge School |
113 |
Tonbridge School |
113 |
Tonbridge School |
113 |
Old Wykehamists |
113 |
Band of Brothers |
112 |
Old Tonbridgians |
112 |
Harrow Wanderers |
112 |
Tonbridge |
112 |
Brighton College |
111 |
Old Tonbridgians |
111 |
Brighton College |
109 |
Tonbridge |
109 |
Charterhouse Friars |
109 |
Tonbridge |
107 |
Dulwich College |
107 |
Lancing College |
107 |
Brighton College |
106 |
Brighton College |
104 |
Blackheath Proprietary School |
104 |
Old Alleynians |
104 |
Brighton College |
103 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
103 |
Westminster School |
103 |
Brighton College |
102 |
Lancing College |
102 |
Kent Under-25s |
102 |
Tonbridge School |
101 |
Tonbridge School |
101 |
Lancing College |
101 |
Sussex |
101 |
Canadian Cricket Association Colts |
101 |
Dulwich College |
100 |
Tonbridge School |
99 |
Kent Women |
99 |
Yellowhammers |
99 |
Sherborne School |
97 |
Tonbridge School |
97 |
Brighton College |
96 |
Old Wykehamists |
96 |
Tonbridge School |
94 |
St Edward's Martyrs |
94 |
Band of Brothers |
94 |
Sherborne School |
93 |
Tonbridge School |
92 |
Tonbridge School |
92 |
Tonbridge School |
92 |
Brighton College |
91 |
Brighton College |
91 |
Marylebone Cricket Club |
91 |
Lancing College |
88 |
Lancing College |
88 |
Tonbridge School |
88 |
Brighton College |
87 |