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Team Name Runs
Tonbridge School 520
Tonbridge School 433
Old Tonbridgians 430
Incogniti 412
Old Tonbridgians 408
Old Tonbridgians 383
Warwickshire Second XI 378
Old Tonbridgians 371
Old Tonbridgians 371
Old Tonbridgians 369
Bedford School 361
Tonbridge School 358
Kent Second XI 353
Tonbridge School 351
Tonbridge School 345
Kent Second XI 344
Tonbridge School 342
Sussex Second XI 339
Tonbridge School 338
Tonbridge School 337
Old Tonbridgians 337
Tonbridge School 335
Tonbridge School 334
Kent Second XI 332
Tonbridge School 331
Old Tonbridgians 331
Tonbridge School 329
Tonbridge School 328
Sherborne School 327
Tonbridge School 327
Old Tonbridgians 324
Bedford School 321
University of Pennsylvania 319
Old Tonbridgians 317
Eton Ramblers 316
Sussex Martlets 313
Old Merchant Taylors 311
Old Tonbridgians 311
Old Tonbridgians 309
Free Foresters 309
Arabs 308
Old Tonbridgians 307
Sherborne School 306
Magdalen College, Oxford 305
Tonbridge School 304
Warwickshire Second XI 304
Haverford College 302
Yellowhammers 302
Dulwich College 301
Old Tonbridgians 301
Old Tonbridgians 300
Old Tonbridgians 299
Tonbridge School 298
Old Tonbridgians 297
Tonbridge School 295
Tonbridge School 292
Tonbridge School 289
St Edward's Martyrs 287
Marylebone Cricket Club 287
Arabs 284
Old Tonbridgians 283
Band of Brothers 283
Lancing College 282
Stowe School 282
Old Tonbridgians 282
Tonbridge School 281
Old Tonbridgians 281
Yellowhammers 280
Tunbridge Wells 280
Tonbridge School 278
Free Foresters 273
Old Tonbridgians 273
Band of Brothers 273
Tonbridge School 272
Old Tonbridgians 272
Tonbridge School 271
Tonbridge School 271
Charterhouse Friars 271
Harrow School 270
Old Tonbridgians 269
Old Tonbridgians 269
Tonbridge School 268
Old Tonbridgians 268
Bradfield Waifs 268
Tonbridge School 267
Old Tonbridgians 267
Old Tonbridgians 266
Sussex Martlets 266
Tonbridge School 265
Tonbridge School 264
Old Amplefordians 264
Wellington College 263
Bluemantles 262
Bedford School 262
Tonbridge School 262
Tonbridge School 261
Band of Brothers 260
Marylebone Cricket Club 260
Old Tonbridgians 259
Old Tonbridgians 258
Yellowhammers 258
Dulwich College 257
Tonbridge School 257
Tonbridge School 257
Old Merchant Taylors 257
Marylebone Cricket Club 256
Sussex Second XI 255
Tonbridge School 255
Marylebone Cricket Club 255
Sherborne School 254
Lancing College 253
Tonbridge School 253
Clifton College 252
Tonbridge School 252
Kent Second XI 252
Old Tonbridgians 252
Old Tonbridgians 252
Clifton College 251
Old Tonbridgians 251
Old Tonbridgians 251
Tonbridge School Colts 250
Dulwich College 249
Sherborne Pilgrims 249
Lancing College 248
Old Cranleighans 245
Marylebone Cricket Club 245
Tonbridge School 243
Marylebone Cricket Club 243
Old Tonbridgians 243
Tonbridge School 243
Arabs 243
Dulwich College 241
Old Tonbridgians 241
Tonbridge School 240
Kent Club and Ground 240
Kent Club and Ground 240
West Kent 239
Arabs 238
Old Tonbridgians 238
Old Tonbridgians 236
Old Wykehamists 236
Essex Second XI 236
Cambridge University Crusaders 235
Tonbridge School 235
Old Merchant Taylors 235
Yellowhammers 235
Tonbridge School 234
Old Whitgiftians 234
Dulwich College 234
Felsted Robins 233
Kent Club and Ground 232
Kent Club and Ground 232
Bedford School 231
Oakham School 231
Eton College 231
Arabs 231
Surrey Second XI 229
Oundle Rovers 228
Tonbridge School 227
Tonbridge School 227
Uppingham Rovers 227
Kent Club and Ground 227
Kent Club and Ground 227
Sherborne School 226
Tonbridge School 226
Kent Under-25s 226
Kent Second XI 226
Tonbridge School 226
Army 225
Army 225
Old Tonbridgians 225
Sussex Under-25s 224
Tonbridge School 223
Sherborne School 223
Oakham School 223
Repton Pilgrims 223
Tonbridge School Second XI 222
Kent Second XI 222
Old Tonbridgians 222
Marylebone Cricket Club Young Cricketers 221
Haileybury College 219
Old Tonbridgians 219
Old Tonbridgians 219
Sussex Second XI 219
Sussex 218
Tonbridge School 217
Brighton College 216
Tonbridge School 216
Wiltshire 216
Blackheath Proprietary School 215
Charterhouse Friars 215
Wiltshire 214
Old Tonbridgians 214
Bradfield Waifs 214
Haileybury Hermits 214
Oakham School 214
Repton Pilgrims 214
Tonbridge School 214
Tonbridge School 213
Tonbridge School 213
Bedford School 213
Army 213
Army 213
Yellowhammers 213
Marylebone Cricket Club 213
Yellowhammers 212
Tonbridge School 211
Yellowhammers 211
Old Bedfordians 211
Tonbridge School 209
London Counties 209
Old Tonbridgians 209
Kent Second XI 208
Marlborough Blues 208
St Edward's Martyrs 208
Bradfield Waifs 208
Clifton College 207
Kent Second XI 207
Eton Ramblers 206
Old Tonbridgians 206
Dulwich College 205
Kent Under-25s 205
Sherborne Pilgrims 205
St John's College, Oxford 204
Old Tonbridgians 204
West Kent 203
Old Tonbridgians 203
Old Tonbridgians 203
Sussex Second XI 203
Tonbridge School 203
Dulwich College 201
Sherborne School 199
Stowe Templars 198
Stragglers of Asia 198
Sherborne School 197
Marylebone Cricket Club 197
Tonbridge School 197
Tonbridge School 197
Old Tonbridgians 197
Tonbridge School 196
Army 196
Army 196
Tonbridge School 195
Dulwich College 195
Marylebone Cricket Club 195
Rochester Clergy 195
Hampshire Under-25s 194
Sherborne School 192
Tonbridge School 191
Lancing College 191
Tonbridge School 191
Uppingham Rovers 191
Old Alleynians 191
Tonbridge School 190
Tonbridge School 190
Sussex Martlets 190
Wiltshire 189
Old Tonbridgians 189
Ridley College 189
Tonbridge School 188
Old Tonbridgians 188
Tonbridge School 187
Stowe Templars 185
Tonbridge School 185
Yellowhammers 184
Old Brightonians 183
Old Cholmeleians 183
Sussex Martlets 183
Tonbridge School 183
Eton Ramblers 183
Old Tonbridgians 182
Tonbridge School 181
Tonbridge School 181
Free Foresters 180
Old Tonbridgians 180
Old Brightonians 180
Marylebone Cricket Club 180
Band of Brothers 180
Tonbridge School 179
Tonbridge School 179
Kent Second XI 178
Old Skinners' Society 178
Kent Second XI 177
Old Tonbridgians 177
Felsted Robins 177
Sherborne School 176
Bradfield Waifs 176
Tonbridge School 175
Old Cheltonians 175
Sherborne School 173
Old Cliftonians 173
Marylebone Cricket Club 173
Sherborne Pilgrims 172
Old Brightonians 172
Tonbridge School 171
Tonbridge School 171
Old Merchant Taylors 171
Lancing College 170
Sherborne Pilgrims 170
Old Wellingtonians 170
Old Tonbridgians 169
Old Amplefordians 169
Old Brightonians 167
Tonbridge School 166
Marylebone Cricket Club 166
Kent 166
Tonbridge School 166
Old Wykehamists 166
Band of Brothers 165
Oundle Rovers 165
Marylebone Cricket Club 165
Clifton College 164
Haileybury College 164
Haileybury and Imperial Service College 164
Marlborough Blues 164
Old Alleynians 164
Band of Brothers 164
Tonbridge School 163
Harrow Wanderers 163
Haileybury Hermits 162
Tonbridge School 161
Tonbridge School 161
Tonbridge School 161
Old Tonbridgians 161
Brighton College 160
Marlborough Blues 160
Tonbridge School 160
Old Wellingtonians 160
Tonbridge School 159
Lancing College 159
Uppingham Rovers 159
Worshipful Company of Skinners 159
Old Wykehamists 159
Yellowhammers 158
Sussex Martlets 158
Wiltshire 157
Haverford College 156
CH Knott's XI 156
Cambridge University Crusaders 155
Lancing College 155
Sussex Under-25s 154
Lancing Rovers 154
Brighton College 153
Tonbridge School 153
Tonbridge School 153
Bedford School 152
Band of Brothers 152
Tonbridge School 151
Lancing College 151
Kent Under-25s 151
Old Whitgiftians 151
Band of Brothers 151
Eastern Canadian Schools 150
Old Alleynians 150
Charterhouse Friars 150
Yellowhammers 150
Brighton College 149
Tonbridge School 149
Charterhouse Friars 149
Sherborne School 148
Tonbridge School 148
Tonbridge School 147
Marlborough Blues 147
Tonbridge School 147
Wiltshire 146
Sussex Under-25s 146
Old Tonbridgians 146
Repton Pilgrims 145
Hampshire Under-25s 144
Old Tonbridgians 144
Brighton College 143
Tonbridge School 143
Old Malvernians 143
Tonbridge School 142
Tonbridge School 142
Sherborne School 141
Haverford College 141
Charterhouse School 141
Tonbridge School 140
Brighton College 140
Tonbridge School 140
Sherborne School 140
Tonbridge School 140
Old Eastbournians 140
Lancing College 139
Canterbury Clergy 139
Radley Rangers 138
Marlborough Blues 138
Tonbridge School 137
Westminster School 137
Lancing College 137
Hampshire Under-25s 137
Haverford College 136
Old Tonbridgians 136
Radley College 136
Old Millfieldians 136
Felsted Robins 135
Old Merchant Taylors 135
Oakham School 135
Rugby Meteors 134
Kent Second XI 134
Brighton College 133
Kent Women 133
Brighton College 132
Westminster School 132
Felsted Robins 132
Hampshire Under-25s 131
Hampshire Second XI 130
Tonbridge School 129
Tonbridge School 129
I Zingari 129
Shrewsbury Saracens 127
Tonbridge School 126
Tonbridge School 125
Haileybury College 124
Tonbridge School 124
Old Wellingtonians 124
Harrow School 124
Brighton College 123
Tonbridge School 122
Lancing College 122
Tonbridge School 121
Tonbridge 121
Tonbridge School 121
Cranleigh School 121
Old Merchant Taylors 121
Kent Second XI 120
Tonbridge School 120
Eton Ramblers 120
Old Blundellians 120
Tonbridge School 120
Eton Ramblers 119
Tonbridge School 118
Tonbridge School 118
Kent Second XI 117
Tonbridge School 116
Middlesex Women 116
Hampton School 116
Brighton College 115
Tonbridge School 115
Sherborne School 115
Sherborne School 115
Uppingham Rovers 115
Brighton College 114
Dulwich College 114
Harlequins 114
Bedford School 114
Tonbridge School 113
Tonbridge School 113
Tonbridge School 113
Old Wykehamists 113
Band of Brothers 112
Old Tonbridgians 112
Harrow Wanderers 112
Tonbridge 112
Brighton College 111
Old Tonbridgians 111
Brighton College 109
Tonbridge 109
Charterhouse Friars 109
Tonbridge 107
Dulwich College 107
Lancing College 107
Brighton College 106
Brighton College 104
Blackheath Proprietary School 104
Old Alleynians 104
Brighton College 103
Marylebone Cricket Club 103
Westminster School 103
Brighton College 102
Lancing College 102
Kent Under-25s 102
Tonbridge School 101
Tonbridge School 101
Lancing College 101
Sussex 101
Canadian Cricket Association Colts 101
Dulwich College 100
Tonbridge School 99
Kent Women 99
Yellowhammers 99
Sherborne School 97
Tonbridge School 97
Brighton College 96
Old Wykehamists 96
Tonbridge School 94
St Edward's Martyrs 94
Band of Brothers 94
Sherborne School 93
Tonbridge School 92
Tonbridge School 92
Tonbridge School 92
Brighton College 91
Brighton College 91
Marylebone Cricket Club 91
Lancing College 88
Lancing College 88
Tonbridge School 88
Brighton College 87
