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Team Name Runs
Nottinghamshire Under-17s 534
Leicestershire Second XI 483
Warwickshire Second XI 452
Warwickshire Second XI 451
Warwickshire Second XI 449
Warwickshire Second XI 448
Lancashire Under-17s 447
Moseley Women 428
Worcestershire Second XI 426
Lancashire Under-17s 419
Warwickshire Second XI 416
Warwickshire Under-17s 413
Warwickshire Second XI 408
Warwickshire Second XI 401
Warwickshire Second XI 386
Nottinghamshire Second XI 385
Warwickshire Under-17s 382
Leicestershire Second XI 376
Warwickshire Second XI 371
Durham Second XI 369
Sussex Second XI 362
Northamptonshire Second XI 357
Yorkshire Second XI 353
Warwickshire Second XI 351
Berkswell 351
Berkswell 351
Shifnal 348
Warwickshire Under-17s 345
Warwickshire Second XI 344
Moseley Women 343
Yorkshire Second XI 341
Leicestershire Second XI 338
Warwickshire Second XI 335
Middlesex Second XI 334
Warwickshire Second XI 333
Zimbabwe 332
Gloucestershire Second XI 329
Warwickshire Second XI 329
Moseley Second XI 327
Ombersley 321
Ombersley 321
Water Orton 320
Moseley 319
Moseley 319
Bromsgrove 317
Zimbabwe 315
Warwickshire Second XI 311
Kidderminster 309
Lancashire Second XI 308
Warwickshire Second XI 307
Worcestershire Second XI 307
Moseley 306
Moseley 306
Middlesex Second XI 305
Moseley 305
Moseley 305
Coventry and North Warwickshire 304
Coventry and North Warwickshire 304
Kenilworth Wardens 304
Kenilworth Wardens 304
Walmley Second XI 303
Derbyshire Second XI 303
Warwickshire Second XI 301
Kidderminster Victoria 301
Kidderminster Victoria 301
Somerset Second XI 300
Moseley Second XI 298
Durham Under-19s 298
Northamptonshire Second XI 295
Leicestershire Second XI 294
Warwickshire Under-19s 293
Warwickshire Cricket Association 292
Moseley Second XI 291
Warwickshire Second XI 291
Barnards Green 291
Barnards Green 291
Warwickshire Under-17s 289
Moseley 289
Wales Under-17s 289
Hampshire Second XI 288
Derbyshire Second XI 287
Worcestershire Second XI 286
Warwickshire Second XI 286
Kenilworth Wardens 286
Kenilworth Wardens 286
Moseley Second XI 286
Warwickshire Second XI 286
Walsall 285
Moseley 284
Coventry and North Warwickshire 284
Coventry and North Warwickshire 284
Moseley 284
Moseley 284
Moseley 282
Moseley 282
Moseley 279
Moseley 278
Moseley 278
Kenilworth Wardens 277
Kenilworth Wardens 277
Knowle and Dorridge 277
Knowle and Dorridge 277
Warwickshire Second XI 276
Essex Second XI 276
Warwickshire Under-14s 276
Attock Second XI 276
Moseley 275
Moseley 275
Moseley 273
Moseley 273
Warwickshire Second XI 273
Moseley 270
South East Stars 270
South East Stars 270
Warwickshire Second XI 269
Leamington 268
Leamington 268
Moseley Second XI 267
Moseley 267
Warwickshire Second XI 267
Barnards Green 266
Wishaw 264
Warwickshire Second XI 263
Northamptonshire Second XI 263
West Bromwich Dartmouth 263
West Bromwich Dartmouth 263
Glamorgan Second XI 262
Harborne Second XI 262
Moseley Second XI 262
Moseley Second XI 262
Sutton Coldfield 262
Harborne Second XI 262
Moseley 262
Moseley 262
Barnards Green 262
Barnards Green 262
Barnt Green 261
Barnt Green 261
Moseley Second XI 261
Warwickshire Second XI 260
Himley 260
Himley 260
Marylebone Cricket Club 260
Moseley 260
Moseley 260
Kidderminster Victoria 259
Kidderminster Victoria 259
Birmingham and District Cricket League 258
Moseley Women 258
Warwickshire Women 258
Moseley 257
Moseley 257
Moseley Second XI 256
Himley 255
Himley 255
Old Hill 254
Old Hill Second XI 254
Warwickshire Second XI 253
Gloucestershire Second XI 253
Moseley 253
Moseley Second XI 253
Warwickshire Second XI 253
Moseley 253
Moseley 253
Old Hill 251
Warwickshire Second XI 250
Warwickshire Second XI 250
Warwickshire Second XI 250
Moseley 250
Moseley 250
Moseley 250
Central Sparks 250
Central Sparks 250
Sheldon Marlborough 249
Warwickshire Second XI 248
Kidderminster Victoria 248
Kidderminster Victoria 248
Moseley 248
Moseley 248
Cardiff University Centre of Cricketing Excellence 248
Warwickshire Second XI 247
Moseley 247
Moseley 247
Tamworth 247
Stourbridge 247
Moseley 246
Moseley 246
Moseley 244
Barnt Green 244
Barnt Green 244
St Fagans Women 243
Moseley Second XI 243
Walsall 242
Walsall 242
Moseley Second XI 242
Moseley Women 241
Wolverhampton 241
Wolverhampton 241
Moseley Second XI 241
Warwickshire Over-60s Second XI 241
Stratford-upon-Avon Second XI 240
Moseley 240
Moseley 240
Moseley Second XI 240
Warwickshire Young Amateurs 239
Worcestershire Second XI 239
Tamworth 239
Ombersley 239
Ombersley 239
Moseley 238
Moseley 238
Moseley 238
Moseley 238
Kidderminster 238
Kidderminster 238
West Bromwich Dartmouth 237
Warwickshire Second XI 236
Shrewsbury 236
Shrewsbury 236
Leicestershire Second XI 235
Moseley 235
Moseley 235
Warwickshire Second XI 234
Five Ways Old Edwardians Women 234
Worcestershire Second XI 233
Moseley 233
Moseley 233
Moseley 232
Moseley 232
Walmley Women Second XI 232
Ombersley 232
Moseley 232
Moseley Second XI 231
Moseley 231
Moseley 231
Moseley 231
Leamington Second XI 230
Leamington Second XI 230
Moseley 230
Moseley 230
Nottinghamshire Second XI 229
Moseley 229
Moseley 229
Walmley Second XI 229
Moseley 229
Wolverhampton 229
Wolverhampton 229
Old Hill 228
Stourbridge 228
The Forty Club West Midlands 228
Four Oaks Saints 228
Warwickshire Second XI 227
Moseley 226
Middlesex Second XI 226
Moseley 226
Scotland Under-16s 226
Smethwick 226
Smethwick 226
Moseley 226
Moseley 226
Moseley 226
Moseley 226
Attock Second XI 226
Moseley 225
Moseley 225
Moseley 225
Moseley 225
Moseley Second XI 225
Moseley Women 225
Worcestershire Over-60s Second XI 225
Berkswell 225
Berkswell 225
Moseley Second XI 225
West Bromwich Dartmouth 224
West Bromwich Dartmouth 224
Smethwick 224
Moseley 223
English Schools Cricket Association XI 223
Wolverhampton Second XI 223
Corley 223
Essex Second XI 221
Warwickshire Second XI 221
Northamptonshire Second XI 221
Moseley 221
Scotland Under-16s 221
Barnards Green 221
Warwickshire Women 221
Moseley 221
Moseley 221
Worcestershire 220
Shrewsbury Second XI 220
Somerset Women 220
Moseley 219
Moseley 219
Moseley Second XI 219
Moseley 219
Moseley 219
Bromsgrove 219
Leamington Second XI 219
Moseley 219
Moseley 219
Moseley 219
Moseley 219
Warwickshire Second XI 218
Worcestershire Second XI 218
Coventry and North Warwickshire 218
Coventry and North Warwickshire 218
Moseley Second XI 218
Moseley Second XI 218
Moseley 218
Moseley 218
Moseley 218
Moseley Second XI 218
Essex Second XI 217
Moseley 217
Bridgnorth 217
Attock Second XI 217
Moseley Second XI 217
Moseley 216
Walsall 216
Walsall 216
Moseley 216
Moseley 216
Shrewsbury 216
Himley 216
Warwickshire Second XI 216
Old Hill 215
Old Hill 215
Moseley 215
Moseley 215
Moseley 215
Moseley 215
Kenilworth Wardens 215
Moseley 215
Kenilworth Wardens 215
Moseley 215
Moseley 215
Moseley 215
Moseley 215
Moseley 215
Ombersley 215
Ombersley 215
Moseley 215
Moseley 215
Moseley Second XI 214
Warwickshire Second XI 214
Lancashire Second XI 214
Moseley 214
Moseley 214
Berkswell Second XI 214
Moseley 214
Moseley 214
Moseley Second XI 213
Huntingdonshire Under-15s Women 213
Dorridge Second XI 213
Walmley Second XI 213
Berkswell 213
Berkswell 213
Halesowen 213
Halesowen 213
Sri Lanka 212
Hampshire Second XI 212
Moseley 212
Moseley 212
Warwickshire Second XI 211
Moseley 211
Moseley 211
Nottinghamshire Under-17s 211
Moseley 211
Moseley 211
Moseley 211
Old Edwardians 210
Kenilworth Wardens Second XI 210
Knowle and Dorridge 210
Knowle and Dorridge 210
Ombersley 210
Ombersley 210
Berkswell 210
Berkswell 210
Warwickshire Second XI 209
Moseley Second XI 209
Bronze 209
Smethwick 208
Coventry and North Warwickshire 208
Coventry and North Warwickshire 208
Himley Second XI 208
England Amateur XI 207
England Amateur XI 207
Moseley 207
Moseley 207
Kenilworth 207
Moseley 207
Moseley 207
Old Hill 207
Yorkshire Women 207
Himley 207
Warwickshire Second XI 207
Himley 206
Himley 206
Pershore Women 206
Shifnal 206
Shifnal 206
Cannock 205
Cannock 205
West Bromwich Dartmouth 205
West Bromwich Dartmouth 205
Shifnal Second XI 205
Midlands Club Cricket Conference 205
Moseley 205
Moseley 205
Smethwick Second XI 205
Halesowen 205
Halesowen 205
West Bromwich Dartmouth 205
West Bromwich Dartmouth 205
Birmingham Municipal 204
Old Hill Second XI 204
Moseley 204
Warwickshire Second XI 204
Old Edwardians 204
Moseley 204
Moseley 204
Moseley 204
Moseley 204
Cornwall Under-15s Women 204
Kent Under-13s Women 204
Moseley 204
Moseley Second XI 203
Kenilworth Wardens 203
Kenilworth Wardens 203
Wolverhampton 203
Durham Second XI 203
Wellington 202
Wellington 202
Moseley 202
Moseley 202
Walmley Second XI 202
Moseley Second XI 202
Warwickshire Second XI 201
Somerset Second XI 201
Moseley 201
Moseley 201
Wolverhampton 200
Wolverhampton 200
Halesowen 200
Halesowen 200
Worcestershire Second XI 200
Nottinghamshire Under-17s 200
Leamington Second XI 200
Old Hill 200
Warwickshire Under-17s 200
Dunlop Stars 200
Moseley 199
Moseley 199
Moseley 199
Moseley 199
Derbyshire Under-15s 199
Harborne 199
Moseley 199
Moseley 199
Moseley 199
Moseley Second XI 198
Moseley 198
Moseley 198
Moseley 198
Worcestershire Second XI 198
Milford Hall 198
Gloucestershire Second XI 197
Stratford-upon-Avon Second XI 197
Moseley Second XI 197
Moseley 196
Leicestershire Under-25s 196
Moseley 196
Moseley 196
Wolverhampton Second XI 196
Kidderminster Victoria Second XI 196
Knowle and Dorridge 196
Middlesex Second XI 195
Moseley 195
Moseley 195
Sussex Under-17s Women 195
Moseley Second XI 195
Worcestershire Second XI 193
Himley 193
Himley 193
Moseley Second XI 193
Walsall 193
Walsall 193
Harborne Second XI 193
Moseley 193
Moseley 193
Moseley 193
Moseley Second XI 193
Warwickshire Second XI 192
Moseley 192
Moseley 192
Moseley 192
Smethwick 192
Smethwick 192
Moseley Second XI 192
