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Team Name |
Runs |
Lighthouse |
252 |
Lighthouse |
222 |
Lighthouse |
206 |
Lighthouse |
202 |
Lighthouse |
192 |
Lighthouse |
189 |
Lighthouse B |
187 |
Lighthouse |
180 |
Germantown British Americans |
172 |
Lighthouse |
170 |
Frankford |
170 |
Lighthouse B |
167 |
West Philadelphia |
166 |
Lighthouse B |
160 |
Lighthouse B |
155 |
Trenton |
152 |
Centennial |
152 |
Lighthouse |
152 |
Lighthouse |
152 |
Lighthouse |
149 |
Falls of Schuylkill |
149 |
Lighthouse |
147 |
Centennial |
146 |
Lighthouse |
145 |
Tennyson |
142 |
Lighthouse B |
141 |
Frankford |
139 |
Lighthouse |
138 |
Falls of Schuylkill |
138 |
Lighthouse B |
135 |
Germantown British Americans B |
132 |
Germantown British Americans |
132 |
West Philadelphia B |
130 |
Lighthouse |
128 |
Falls of Schuylkill |
126 |
Germantown British Americans |
122 |
Lighthouse B |
121 |
Lighthouse B |
120 |
Lighthouse |
119 |
Lighthouse B |
117 |
Lighthouse |
116 |
Belmont |
114 |
Lighthouse B |
114 |
Falls of Schuylkill |
111 |
Lighthouse B |
110 |
Lighthouse B |
109 |
Clifton |
108 |
Lighthouse |
108 |
Wissahickon |
108 |
Lighthouse |
107 |
Robin Hood |
107 |
Lighthouse B |
106 |
Centennial |
105 |
Lighthouse |
105 |
Lighthouse B |
104 |
Lighthouse |
100 |
Germantown British Americans |
99 |
Keystone |
98 |
Lighthouse B |
98 |
West Philadelphia |
97 |
West Philadelphia B |
96 |
Falls of Schuylkill |
96 |
Lighthouse B |
96 |
Lighthouse |
95 |
Lighthouse B |
94 |
Lighthouse |
94 |
Lighthouse B |
93 |
Kensington |
92 |
Falls of Schuylkill B |
90 |
Lighthouse |
89 |
Lighthouse |
85 |
Lighthouse B |
85 |
Trenton |
85 |
Tennyson |
84 |
Lighthouse |
82 |
Germantown British Americans B |
82 |
Centennial |
80 |
Lighthouse B |
79 |
Centennial |
78 |
Lighthouse |
76 |
Lighthouse B |
76 |
Lighthouse |
76 |
Lighthouse B |
76 |
Centennial B |
76 |
Lighthouse |
74 |
West Philadelphia B |
73 |
Trenton |
73 |
Lighthouse |
72 |
Germantown Sons of St George |
72 |
Lighthouse B |
71 |
Wissahickon |
71 |
Lighthouse |
70 |
West Philadelphia |
69 |
Lighthouse B |
69 |
Albion Club of Philadelphia |
67 |
West Philadelphia B |
67 |
Frankford |
66 |
Germantown British Americans B |
66 |
Lighthouse B |
64 |
Lighthouse |
64 |
Falls of Schuylkill B |
63 |
Keystone |
63 |
Lighthouse |
63 |
Lighthouse |
62 |
Lighthouse |
61 |
Lighthouse |
61 |
West Philadelphia |
61 |
Lighthouse |
59 |
Lighthouse B |
59 |
Interstate Cricket League of Philadelphia |
58 |
Falls of Schuylkill |
57 |
West Philadelphia |
56 |
Lighthouse B |
56 |
Trenton |
54 |
Wissahickon |
53 |
Lighthouse B |
52 |
Belmont Colts |
50 |
Lighthouse B |
50 |
West Philadelphia |
49 |
Lighthouse |
47 |
Lighthouse B |
47 |
Lighthouse |
45 |
Germantown Boys Club |
45 |
Lighthouse B |
44 |
Richard Baxter |
43 |
Linden |
43 |
Oxford |
42 |
Lighthouse B |
42 |
Philadelphia Electrics |
42 |
Lighthouse B |
41 |
Germantown Boys Club |
40 |
Lighthouse |
39 |
Tennyson |
39 |
Centennial |
38 |
Lighthouse B |
37 |
Trenton |
37 |
Centennial |
36 |
Falls of Schuylkill B |
29 |
Tennyson B |
28 |
Keystone |
26 |
West Philadelphia B |
19 |
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad |
17 |
West Philadelphia B |
16 |