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Team Name Runs
Toronto Junction 144
Toronto 138
Toronto Garrison 138
Pacific Club of Toronto Junction 137
Parkdale 118
Toronto Cricket Club 118
Sons of England 113
Queen's XI 108
Grace Church 100
Royal Military Infantry School 99
Royal Military Infantry School 99
East Toronto 97
Sons of England 94
St Cyprian's 92
Weston 90
Upper Canada College 90
Toronto Colts 89
Woodbine 88
East Toronto 86
Sons of England 86
Toronto Garrison 85
Weston 84
Parkdale 84
C Company St John's School of Infantry 83
Toronto Garrison 78
Dominion Bank 78
Toronto Colts 77
C Company St John's School of Infantry 76
Lambton Mills 76
Sons of England 73
C Company St John's School of Infantry 73
Toronto Garrison 71
Toronto Garrison 69
Albion Club of Toronto 69
West End 68
Sons of England 68
Lambton Mills 68
Toronto Garrison 66
Colour-Sergeant Galloway's XI 66
St George's Club of Toronto 61
Sons of England 61
East Toronto 61
Toronto Garrison 61
Corporal Male's XI 60
Gordon, Mackay and Company 59
West End 58
Parkdale 58
Sons of England 57
Albion Club of Toronto 54
Toronto West End 53
St John's School of Infantry 53
C Company St John's School of Infantry 52
Infantry School 52
West End Second XI 51
West Toronto Junction 51
Toronto Colts 50
Toronto Garrison 50
West Toronto 48
Sons of England 45
West Toronto 45
Royal Military Infantry School 45
Albion Club of Toronto 44
Married of Sons of England 41
Parkdale 41
Bracondale 40
Toronto West End 39
Rosedale 39
St Alban's Cathedral 39
C Company St John's School of Infantry 37
C Company St John's School of Infantry 36
St George's Club of Toronto 35
C Company St John's School of Infantry 35
C Company St John's School of Infantry 34
St Stephen's Church 34
Sons of England 33
West Toronto 32
C Company St John's School of Infantry 32
Stanley Barracks 28
North Toronto 27
St George's Club of Toronto 26
Sons of England 26
Oxford 25
Albion Club of Toronto 25
Sons of England 24
West End Second XI 23
C Company St John's School of Infantry 22
Lord Bickford's XI 22
C Company St John's School of Infantry 18
D Company 18
Sons of England 17
C Company St John's School of Infantry 15
North Toronto 14