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On the front foot

Making a significant change and impact on female future leaders in cricket.

on the front foot

What is On the Front Foot?

On the Front Foot aims to advance the innovation, creativity and leadership capabilities of Future Female Cricket Leaders in Ireland. Delivered in partnership with The Sporting Pursuit, a strong feature of this programme is the emphasis on action learning theory along with cross-region interaction and sharing that will allow future leaders to discuss experiences, challenges and learning in a safe and supportive environment.

The Future Female Leaders will receive individualised professional development, which includes access to coaching mentors, as well as experts from various performance environments both inside sport and from other professional domains.


Making a significant change and impact on female future leaders in cricket that ensures that there is an ongoing development and strategic development in creating a network of leaders who are effectively prepared to lead themselves, other people and their teams


On the Front Foot aims to develop leaders who are:

  1. Influential leaders and strategic thinkers
  2. Highly respected in their community and can advocate on coaching and leadership for better results
  3. Lifelong learners who collaborate to achieve and are driven by continuous improvement

Programme Outline:

The four key thematic areas of leadership development that will be covered are:

  1. Understanding Self
  2. Understanding Others
  3. Communicating and Connecting with Others
  4. Displaying Leading Behaviours

Each of the key thematic areas has a 90-minute workshop challenging thinking whilst providing insights and learning on how Future Female Leaders can develop into the leaders that the world currently needs. The workshops dig deep into the beliefs, values and perspectives on what leadership looks like currently and how we can best develop ourselves to be the best leaders we can be for the future.

A follow up forum supports each workshop and aims to support and guide candidates to unpick and use the previous learnings in their own environments. Group facilitation, tasks and exercises to help guide and facilitate discussion/debate are at the centre of the forum, allowing all candidates the opportunity to discuss, challenge and seek clarity from others on the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ of their individual approach has best met the needs for themselves and the people that they lead.

ONLINE series

On the Front Foot
On The Front Foot - Episode 1: Female Voices in Sport
Laura Delany and Lynne Cantwell
On the front foot
On The Front Foot - Episode 2: Culture and Engagement
Elaine Nolan, Rosy Ryan, Ian Sandbrook
On the front foot
On The Front Foot - Episode 3: Allyship and Collaboration
Mary Waldron, Karl Lines, Maeve Buckley
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