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This programme aims to increase participation via a fast and fun combination of cricket skills and HIIT training.


The programme...

CricHIIT is a fun exercise programme designed to encourage females to try cricket by combining HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) principles with basic cricket skills. Sessions ideally run in a block of 6-8 weeks to experience the benefits of the HIIT training programme.

By adding basic cricket skills, we hope to give females the confidence to have a go a cricket, initially in a softball format. 45-minute session plans have been created by the Cricket Scotland Strength & Conditioning Team at three levels to cater for all levels of fitness.

Who runs CricHIIT?

CricHIIT is administered and delivered by Cricket Ireland in partnership with the Provincial Unions. CricHIIT Activators can be trained by their local PU CricHIIT Activator Trainer and will receive a CricHIIT resource guide complete with 18 sessions along with a CricHIIT t-shirt and zip-top. Once registered and trained, CricHIIT Activators can deliver sessions at their local Club, school or community setting.

What do Clubs, Schools and Community Groups need to run CricHIIT?

Clubs and Schools wishing to run the CricHIIT programme must have public liability insurance cover and a trained CricHIIT Activator.


Register your interest now

You can register your interest in setting up a CricHIIT programme by completing this form.

Crichiit at home

To give you a taste of CricHIIT, we designed this simple four-week omline course that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

CricHIIT Online Challenge - Week 1
With Isobel Joyce
CricHIIT Online Challenge - Week 2
With Kathryn Rough
CricHIIT Online Challenge - Week 3
With Callum Atkinson
CricHIIT Online Challenge - Week 4
With Celeste Raack
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Crichiit on The Green Ball Show