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Play Cricket

Information for teachers

Want to bring cricket into your school?

fairview public school

First port of call...

Our Provincial Unions have Development Officers that can help give you advice:

• Naomi Scott-Hayward – South Dublin County Council, Kildare: naomi.scotthayward@cricketleinster.ie
• Brían O’Rourke – Fingal County Council: brian.orourke@cricketleinster.ie
• Killian Molloy – Fingal County Council: killian.molloy@cricketleinster.ie
• Fintan McAllister – Dublin City County Council: fintan.mcallister@cricketleinster.ie
• Bernard O’Mara – Midlands Development Officer (Kilkenny, Carlow, Laois, Westmeath): bernard.omara@cricketleinster.ie
• Jim Stewart – DLR & Wicklow Development Officer: Mijstewart@gmail.com
• Herbie Honohan – Wexford Community Coach: honohanh@yahoo.ie
• Anne O’Meara – Meath Development Officer: anne.omeara@cricketleinster.ie

Free Classroom Resources

You can avail of our "Chance to Shine" link-up with the renowned UK-based charity.

The resources are free and easy to download and use. They have been designed to support the delivery of curricula and learning outcomes — Key Stages 1 and 2 in Northern Ireland, Junior and Middle Programmes in the Republic of Ireland.

The resources focus on using cricket to make teaching and learning maths, English, science and geography even more fun. “Mascot Mystery”, for example, follows the story of Cricket Ireland’s missing mascot, and develops children’s reading, writing and comprehension skills at Key Stage 2/Middle Programme, while “Run Chase” encourages them to count, analyse and complete sums to ‘score runs’.

To visit the teachers portal, click here.

Advice on buying equipment

For some teachers, you may not want a Development Officer to come in, but just advice on what equipment to purchase. Here is some general advice.

For Primary schools

Teachers should look for cricket starter kits from stores like ED Sports, KB Sports or Sports Direct.

Provincial Union Development Officers will be able to provide localised advice.

For Scondary schools

Here is a list of suggested 'hard ball' equipment from Development Officers that would typically be used. But you have a choice so check which ball the players would like to play with (there is no need for protective equipment if playing with a windball).

  • 4 x bats
  • 4 x helmets
  • 4 x pads
  • 4 x gloves
  • balls (a 4 ounce Indoor Cricket Ball will be used OR a Senior size Windball. Outdoor cricket balls 4.75oz Red hardball.
  • 2 x swing back stumps (for indoor)
  • Protective box and shorts for boys - suggest players have to get their own but good to have some spare in case..
  • 2 x thigh guard
  • 1 x wicket keeping pads
  • 1 x wicket keeping gloves
  • 4 x inners for batting/wicket keeping
  • Wheelie bag

You can purchase these online or at stores like ED Sports, KB Sports or Sports Direct.

Inclusion Activities

Teachers looking for activities for students living with disability, see options here.
