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ED&I Report released

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion - Review and Recommendations Report

We are pleased to publish our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Recommendations Report for the game of cricket in Ireland. The recommendations are based on findings from a game-wide EDI review which took place over 2022-2023.

he purpose of that review was to evaluate how welcoming and inclusive the game of cricket in Ireland is for everyone.

Mindful of the cultural issues and challenges recently highlighted within the wider global context of cricket, and given the growth of the game in Ireland in recent times, we have proactively sought to build an understanding of the experiences and perceptions of diverse groups involved in cricket. We commissioned the Irish Centre for Diversity (ICFD) – recognised as the leading provider of EDI services in Ireland – to conduct a review of staff, volunteer and club member experiences and perceptions of EDI matters day-to-day, both at work and in clubs across the country.

Findings show there are an abundance of passionate people who love the game and who are working hard to build a welcoming environment. However, it is clear that – as a sport – there is much more to do and many aspects of EDI that must be addressed in order to ensure that every person feels welcomed, supported and can thrive.

Since the initial consultation phase concluded, important steps have already been taken towards implementing a number of recommendations including staff training, policy reviews and stakeholder engagement. Working in consultation with our staff, and the provincial unions on behalf of clubs across the island of Ireland, we are also developing a dedicated EDI Strategy and Action Plan to address the gaps and challenges identified. Our intention is to deliver a strategic approach to EDI at all levels of our sport in Ireland, and to embed EDI principles at the heart of our new Strategic Plan.

We recognise the significant commitment needed to realise our ambition and are determined to proactively lead the way. We are very grateful to everyone who participated in this review right across the game – your contributions are important, and we sincerely thank you for your honest feedback. We are confident that we are moving in the right direction to build greater inclusion, diversity and equality in Irish cricket, but change takes time. We are committed to ensuring Irish cricket is a sport that truly belongs to all.

Yours sincerely,

Brian MacNeice, Chair, Cricket Ireland
Warren Deutrom, CEO, Cricket Ireland

Read the report
ED&I Report
ED&I Report
key points
  • Cricket Ireland has released the Review and Recommendations Report
  • 18 months of planning and consultation
  • Cricket Ireland is first sports NGB to work with Irish Centre for Diversity

