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Applications Open for the Women’s Student Coaching Academy


Cricket Ireland are delighted to announce that we are teaming up with the Women’s Student Coaching Academy for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The Women’s Student Coaching Academy is a collaborative programme between Sport Ireland, Student Sport Ireland, 26 Third Level Institution Campuses and 10 National Sporting Bodies. The programme provides one year of support to female students who wish to develop to be a top coach in their sport.

The aim of the programme is to provide a support system around the female student coach enabling them to develop and reach their coaching potential. Furthermore, the programmes aims to increase the number and visibility, of female coaches in third level institutions and create female role models to inspire other female students to progress into coaching.

Student Sport Ireland have said:

“Student Sport Ireland is delighted to confirm that Cricket Ireland is the latest national governing body to support female student in the Women’s Student Coaching Academy. With the aim of the academy to give female students in third level education the opportunity to develop their coaching career, during their studies in college and universities across the island of Ireland.

“The application process is open for all continuing students in third level education and closes on August 7th. Please complete the application and return to your sports officer.

Please be aware while an institution may have listed a preferred number of sports available to coach within their institution, if you contact the sports officer about coaching in another sport, they may be able to accommodate.”

Cricket Ireland are encouraging all third level-attending females who are interested in taking part, to reach out to their Sports Officer and submit your application now.

Anyone interested in registering for this programme can apply to any university listed on the bottom of the registration form, irrespective of them having a current Cricket club or not.

You can read more about the programme and download the application forms here.

Closing date is Monday August 7 2023.


